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Nick screams in both pain and anger. "Would you be a little soft?" He was laying on his face.

"Trust me, this doesn't match how angry I am at you right now." Nat who was cleaning his wounds on his back says. "Atleast she doesn't rant like you do."

It's been a few days after Kayeel had found him in that tunnel, rocking her limp body, begging her to stay longer. A few days after Kayeel had to force him to let go of her so that they can take care of the both of them. A few days after he had thrashed to his inability to see her when she was bedridden.

"She's...she's up?" He almost pulls himself up.

"Uh-uh...stay down..." Nat pushes him down. "You're not going anywhere. Both of you should stay where you are until you're better."

"But I feel better than yesterday."

"But I feel better than yesterday..." She talks in her nose. "'re not healed. So no one's going anywhere."

He was quiet. He didn't argue with her.

Her expression becomes serious. "You scared me, you know that? I thought you were...dead."

"I'm sorry."

He had been too worried for Leila, he hadn't at least once apologised to his sister for what he had done to her.

"I thought it was..." She stops. He looks at her at the corner of his eye. He knew what she was going to say. ...going to be like dad. "You should get some rest." She gets up with the kit. "Whatever she gave you really sucked up that silver. I don't think you could've been here today." She leaves the room.

He had hurt her that day, and all the days he had been away. He could see it in her everytime she walked in to tend to him. And he wished he could've done things differently but there was no taking back time.

Time was what he needed to think about the lycan blood Leila had given to him...a female lycan.

Dana had told him that she'd asked her the same question the moment she woke up. Leila just answered her that she was desperate and something in the lines of her interacting with someone in an underground black market. He just thanked all he had that she was okay and awake after the hell of a week he's had with his treatment. Atleast this news made him feel better.

She had risked everything for him. Put herself in the line for him. She had undergone another scare with Drake's beta for him.

The thought of him made him close his hand in a fist. The nerve of that man, wanting to take her when he was even barely cold from passing out.

Her screams.

Her plea for help.

They became a growing nightmare that he'd sweat through every night, waking up and thinking she was dead. But she wasn't.

She had called for him multiple times despite knowing he was out. And he had heard her. Something in him had revived him back to save her. And he did.

He had ripped that wolf apart for her and he still felt that it wasn't enough. He should have tortured him more, made him suffer, made him beg, yet all he had wanted was to get it over with so that he could have her in his arms and tell her everything was okay. And tell her it was all over.

And even then, that piece of trash had stabbed her. His mate. With bane. Even then, she struggled to keep her life intact, to keep her heart beating for him.

That's how strong she was.

That's how strong his mate was.

And now she was awake.

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