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I arrived at noon in the pack mansion. I had already linked my mom that I was coming so I found her standing at the drive way. I got off the car with my duffle bag in one hand.

She places her lips on my cheek for a kiss then hugs me. I hug back. She loosens the hug to look at me but still had her hands almost around my torso.

"You came back earlier than expected." She says wiping off her lipstick from my cheek with her thumb.

"I got home sick." I joke with a grin.

"Oh I see." She lets go completely this time. "How did it go?"

"Great...I left orders before I left so I'm sure everything will go well..."

"I'm just glad you're back safe." She says. "I can't believe I missed your arrogance."

"Of course mom, I'm not gonna die. Unfortunately you're stuck with me for another millennium." I joke.

She laughs. "Apparently someone missed you too much in this short period of time."

"Oh really...who?" I ask curiously, knowing exactly who it is.

"Nat..." I raise one eyebrow and she stares at me silently. We then laugh hysterically "...of course not Nat...Leila." she finishes

"Huh..." I say impressed.

"Don't act all impressed. But Nat also gave her share in missing you, let's not be unfair."

"Nick..." Leila calls from behind my mom. She was standing at the front door.

Well mom, you're time's off.

I walk passed my mom towards her. She then ran towards me and jumps on me for a hug. A catch her with my one free hand around her waist while the other holding my bag. She buries her face in my neck. "You're back." She whispers. I feel hot tears on my neck. Did she miss me this much? I smile at the thought of it. I drop my bag and wrap the other hand on her waist. She wraps her legs around my waist and I walk away with her.

We enter the living room with her face still buried on my neck. Nat was coming to see me.

"Oh Nicky, you came back early..." She says in a lazy tone.

I just pass her by and head upstairs.

"Okay fine...geez!" She says.

I head to my study and close the door behind me. I place her on the table and she sniffs while wiping off her tears.

"You idiot, you left without saying goodbye." She complains childishly while hitting my chest. She looks adorable doing it.

"Woah!" I exclaim. "I came to you in your room that morning but you were asleep and I couldn't wake you up." I defend in almost a laughter.

"Well I was asleep...but not dead."

"Well you were peaceful." She looks at me with a frown. I like it when she throws childish tantrums. "Did you miss me that much?"

"No..." She says getting off the table.

"Oh really..." I say cupping up her chin.

"Yes..." She says.

I look straight into her eyes. "Really...?" I say in a whisper.

She was almost quiet and I could see her melting from my gaze. "...yes..." she says stubbornly.

"Not even a little...just a little..." I say moving close. This time she didn't say anything. "...because I did...more than a lot." I add.

Our lips were inches from connecting.

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