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I was too drawn and drunk to pull away and he knows it. He knows how bad I want him right now. But this didn't stop me from asking anyways. "So something did happen between us last night." I say breathless and I feel him smile on the skin just below my ear. "Tell me what happened." I say softly. I felt my eyes go heavy from his lips playing around just below my ear. I feel his lips go back to my ear and he whispers.

"I can do better than just tell you...I could show you." He speaks softly in my ear and I feel my whole body tingle.

"Well I know what you can do better...leave." A voice booms in the room.

We snap out of our fixated desire for one another...both of us being breathless and deep in wanting. We were still in each other's arms when we turn to see Ayla standing at the door holding a cold glass of wine.

Nick groans in annoyance. "What's your deal?"

"It's almost evening and I'm so not letting 'you' stay here." She focuses the 'you' to Nick. "It seems whoever wants you dead is determined to kill you and I don't want you luring more of them here."

I finally get the energy to hesitantly pull away from my mate.

"What do they want?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know." She says looking at Nick. "But I hope you guys find it out soon. For the mean time, my men just made sure the road is clear for you to leave. We've given them a huge scare and they're not coming back soon...but you guys need to leave soon. I don't know...I think they are following an alpha aura."

An alpha aura...what alpha aura? Before I could question, Nick cuts me off. "They're obviously following my aura."

I look at him. He was looking at Ayla who was now looking at me. I can't stop getting a feeling that these two are communicating silently. There's something none of them are telling me. I narrow my eyes towards them. "Why then?" I ask.

"Who knows...Nick is always an asshole." Ayla says drinking up her wine.

I look at Nick who seems to be agreeing with her. "I think it's just one of my messes." He says. I sigh in disappointment. "But I promise I'll fix it." He says holding my hand and I just find the disappointment in me melting away.

" guys have to leave. Come on..."

"Fine fine...geez! You don't have to chase us out like that." Nick says.

"Well you brought a fight in my territory and you expect me to comfort you out? I'm trying to save your asses cause my men are out there on the look out for you guys. Their fur is running red and you know what that means." She argues.

Nick sighs. I didn't know what it meant. And as if Nick read my mind, "It means the ice magic in them is wearing off. Without it they die." He tells me. "We have to leave right now." He says putting on his t-shirt.

"Thank you." Ayla says overly grateful. "Just take care and take care of her." She tells Nick then turns to me. "I know you'll take care of him." She comes and hugs me then whispers. "Now hurry up." Obviously Nick heard it with his sharp lycan senses. I on the other hand knew exactly what she meant but Nick just thought that she was pressuring us to leave.

She pulls away and her piercing blue eyes look deep in to mine making sure I got the message. She takes a sip of her wine. I knew she wanted me to hurry and tell him the truth before he finds out on his own.

Nick then takes my hand and we start walking away.

"Your car is still safe. Say hi to Nat for me, will you?" She finally says before she disappears out of our line of sight.

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