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After a whole night of love making and messing around, I woke up and didn’t find him on bed except for a little note that was on the table.

Didn't wanna wake you. Went out to early to run some errands...boring pack politics. Be back before dinner.

I love you.

I found myself smiling with the last three words.

I sighed and finally got up out of bed. After I got myself ready, I headed down for breakfast. Nat was also out but Rose told me that she was going to come get me later on...for unknown reasons. Dana again, offered me the same herbal tea she always gave me when I got up on my mate's bed.

She had also left for her own issues. Something about going to see Daniel for a few hours.

I headed back for my room to wait for Nat. And also, I had not talked to Reinah for quite a while.

"I see now that you've made yourself occupied with that mate of yours, you finally don't know I exist."

"Oh come on, quit being such a cry baby."

" I'm the baby...and you are? Let me guess...a big ass woman who spends almost all of her nights fucking her mate."

I rolled my eyes at her as I rearranged a few stuff on my vanity, just looking for something to do at the time being.

"Anyways, looks like you're off somewhere. Where are you headed? Let me guess..."

I cut her off, "No, I'm not going to see Nick. He's busy today."

"What is he doing?"

"Pack politics, I don't know. I'm just going out with Nat."

"Well those pack politics that you don't know should be one of your priorities, you are gonna become his Luna one day."

"Well for the mean time I'm not."

"But you're still his mate...and our queen. Actually, you should worry more about pack politics, maybe you'll get some little bits and bobs about are a lycan queen anyway, the only female lycan in the land. It's surprising how you've gotten away with your cover until now."

I just gave a small chuckle. "And to say I wanted to back out of the plan earlier."

"Funny. I didn't think you'll manage to find your way in"

"And not to mention finding favor."

She was quiet. I looked at her but she was frozen, staring at something. "Are you okay?"


"What...?" I turned to what had her attention and my heart stopped.


That's when I remembered that I hadn't closed the damned door to the room

"Wha...what...Female lycan...?" Nat said, breathlessly.


"Leila..." Reinah inquired.

I gave her a look and she caught what was on my mind. She disappeared.

"What is this a joke?" She finally scolded angrily.

"No, listen to me..."

"Fuck, all this time..." she paced, "He was right all along."

I knew what she meant, the first day that Nick had told her that I was a fraud.

"And I trusted you, I stood up for you." She was hyperventilating. "You lied to me."

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