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"King...we have to go...they're sending more guards from the main mansion." One of my men comes up and tells me.

I hesitantly let go of her and look at her in the eyes...she was still scared. "We have to go..." I tell her.

She nods slowly.

Cover her up.

I quickly unbutton my shirt and pull it off. I put it around her when I notice how short and open her dress was. I then lift her up bridal style and she hides her face on my bare chest.

We head outside and I put her in the car at the back sit. She lays down on her side and curls up. She looked so fragile.

"Should I drive her back?" One man asks.

"No...I will. I can't transform, I'm stabbed with silver. So it's better if I go with her as you distract them from following our tracks."

He nods.

I get in the drivers sit, start the car and drive off.


We arrive at the haven. The whole trip was silent, I just kept on checking on her from the rear view mirror, I didn't know if she's asleep or not. Every time I look at her, my heart breaks even more.

I get out of the car and open the door to the back sit and she sits upright. Now I know she wasn't asleep. I lift her up bridal style and take her inside.

She was still quiet. The look in her eyes changed from a scared one to a traumatized one.

I made her sit on the bed and went to the bathroom. I make the water run in the bathtub until it was warm enough for her. I make a bath for her and go back in the room for her... take my shirt off her, which is now all blood stained, and throw it on the floor.

I squat in front of her. "I need to get this dress off you...they might track us down using his scent." I tell her softly. She was still quiet...and pale. "Would you let me?"

She was still quiet for a while...I didn't wanna force her into anything after what just happened to her today.

She then nods.

I take it off her slowly and she remains with a bra and pantie. I know it's not the right time for me to think about this but she looks more than beautiful.

I put the dress where I threw the shirt and pick her up bridal style.

I put her in the bathtub and she relaxes in it.

I decide to wash her hair and wash out all of Drake's filthy blood off her. The water was now stained with blood so I decide to drain it off and pour another.

"I have to go get rid of the clothes...I'm gonna leave you to wash up. Some of Nat's clothes are in the closet, you can put anything on. She hasn't been here for such a long time and I've replaced her clothes with new ones." She nods. "I promise I won't take long." I place a long kiss on her wet hair and let go.


Nick just left and I lay my head at the edge of the bathtub. The image of how I left that room was still on my head. I can't stop thinking about it. I haven't spoken to Nick and I know he's worried about me.

I take off my bra and pantie and throw it on the floor. I relax in the warmth of the water for a while, trying to forget whatever happened today...but for some reason, I couldn't.

I get out of the bathtub and pull a nearby towel that was smelled like him. I wrap it on myself and head into the room.

I dry myself up and open the closet. One side was filled with Nick's clothes and the other had few of Nat's clothes. I spot one of Nat's new panties and put it on. I almost put on her pj's when I spot one of Nick's t-shirts. For some reason I just wanted to put it on. It smelled like him and at some point it calmed me I put it on.

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