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I opened my eyes and the light blinded them. I couldn't remember exactly what had happened. was quiet. The whole house was quiet. The whole pack was dead silent.

I pulled myself to sit upright and that's when I noticed it...

My wedding gown.

It all came back crushing in my head. The wedding. Nick. The lycan ritual. Queenie.

Queenie had been everyone.

Oh Goddess, Nick!

I almost got up until I heard...

"Tell me this is all some mind game, that what I saw wasn't exactly real..."

I turned to see Nick standing, leaning his bottom on his desk, his gaze fixated on the floor with his arms folded.

"Nick..." I took a breath.

He wasn't wearing his wedding tax. But he still had the trousers of it on. He was in his black vest and his hair back in a scruffy bun.

"...tell me it's some other prank and just maybe...I'll believe you."

I got up. There was no lying to him this time. No matter how much he permitted it. "I wanted to tell you."

He snapped, shouting, turning to look at me. "TELL ME WHAT, DAMNIT?"

I flinched to the tone of his voice.

"That you are the fucking female lycan? That you are the heir to the Blue Moon Pack's throne?" For once, he didn't ask it but I knew what was roaming in his mind. Nat.

There, was that look he was giving me. A look I'd never received from him. Hateful pain.

"I swear I was going to tell you."

Then there was a cold calm in his voice as he stares down at me with hands on his pockets. "Okay then." He didn't scold. "Proceed."

"Yes, it was all some plan to get to you, to destroy you from the inside without knowing what hit you. I was supposed to avenge the blood of my parents and some of our men but after I saw your lycan...I knew it wasn't you. All my life I've lived believing that you were responsible for it. Your reputation. Everything added up. My parents had contacted you a day before the attack and whatever you answered them put them in a bad mood and I knew it wasn't something good. Everything just added up to you so perfectly. You had conquered your west, east, north...and we were your south.

Nick, I swear I didn't know. I was supposed to be rid of you then...I couldn't anymore. I got to know you and that hate turned to love..." He scoffs. "...and I couldn't. Whether or not it was you, I still can't."

He said, "And you expect me to believe you after all the lies?"

"Nick..." I exclaimed in disbelief.

"You were sent here as an assassin...a spy...whatever..."

"But I didn't go through with it."

"Oh yeah...?" he raised his forefinger. "One thing. I need to know one thing. Just one, Leila." His expression turned in to deep pain. "Did you or did you not kill my sister?"

I looked at him, not knowing exactly how I was going to explain this to him.

"Please...just this one thing. You can lie about everything else..." There was a sting in my chest when his voice quivered. "...but just this one thing. Tell me the truth."

I closed my eyes, trying to gather as much strength as I could to summon all the bad memories I had shoved down at the back of my mind. The memories that always haunted me all the while that I was with him.

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