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I struggled to get my eyes open but when I did, the only thing I could think about was my baby.

I pushed myself to sit upright after I realized it was too quiet. Very quiet. I put my feet on the ground and started walking, following whatever pull I had with my little pup.

I was tired. So tired. But I needed to see her. I wanted to see her.

Queenie had also been out, probably after I passed out.

I reached the living room and there was a humming. I followed it to the kitchen and found Ella craddling a bundle in her arms. In it was my baby. I could smell her.

"Let me hold her." I said.

She turned with a shrugg. "You are awake. I thought you'd be out long enough."

"Long enough to do what?"

The baby cooed and she looked at it, shushing it to sleep. "She's beautiful."


"She's very beautiful."

"I haven't seen her. Let me hold her." I stretched my hands out.

She looked at me then back to the baby but didn't make a move to hand her over to me. My heart was thundering. I knew something was not right.


"I'm given strict orders." Her voice trembled.


"I'm told not to give her to you."

My breath choked, "She's my baby."

"I know." She looked nervous and...scared. "I know." Her eyes became glassy. "I don't want to do this." She was still craddling her but she was awake now.

"You need to give her to me. I need to feed her."

"A nursing female is on her way."

I used the last bit of my voice to growl in frustration. "Ella..." I moved towards her and she stepped back. I wasn't strong enough to take her on yet. "Please..." I pleaded, my heart breaking. "I trusted you. Please." A felt a tear roll its way down my cheek, dropping lose from eye.

She eyed me and her mouth quivered, tears falling on her cheeks also. "They told me not to give her to you." She was sobbing. "I know it's not right but I don't know what to do."

I also started sobbing. "But she's mine. She's mine and I can't...fight you." She sobbed more. "If it's going to be the last least let me see her. Please."

She cried. I cried.

Hesitantly, she moved towards me and placed her in to my arms. And I cried after my eyes met hers. My little girl. My little pup. She was beautiful. She had my mother's eyes, my eyes. Her father's lips.

I cried and held her tightly. My heart was breaking over and over again. I fell in love with her instantly. I wanted to hold her more. I couldn't hold her enough. I wanted to warm her with myself, to take care of her.

I didn't even get a chance to put her on my skin. She didn't even get a chance to smell me and know me.

Ella sobbed on the other side of the room.

I finally spoke, “She looks beautiful." And I remembered him. He would have loved her so much. "He should see her.” My heart swelled when she cooed in my arms then settled to go back to sleep.

“He should.” She agreed.

I looked at her and her face was disturbed. “They want to take the baby away from you.”

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