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Edward returned after a long while, even more pissed. All those efforts he had kept, he still couldn't capture the lycan queen or her next in line.

Regina laughed, " didn't find her?"

He walked toward her and grabbed her by the neck. Reinah tried to stop him but he threw her out of the way. "You are going to tell me where she is." The sorcerer was his only way and she was already getting on his last nerve. He wished to kill her but he needed information out of her.

"I told you..." she choked, " were never going to get her. You know, I meant to release that little detail about the birth because I knew you were stupid enough to send midwives. Leila needed them and you helped her bare your failure. You thought that child was going to be your redemption...but she's going to be your worst nightmare." His hands loosen on her throat with the words. "You see, if you were clever enough, you would have realized Leila doesn't know anything about delivering a baby, she would've probably messed up trying. But thanks to Ella and the rest of your crew, you helped her deliver safely"

Edward glared at her angrily then threw her away. He had fallen for it. He stupidly fell for it. Regina had always known how to keep herself from running in to Edward but for some reason, she just got caught. She wanted to get caught. She wanted Edward to panic and send help to Leila. And he did exactly that.

He grabbed Reinah and she struggled on his arms. "Your daughter shares a bond with her, she's going to tell me where she is."

Reinah blurted, "I do not know. Queenie's off and I can't contact her."

Regina snarled, "You are pathetic. You really think my daughter is your biggest threat right now."

Of course, Reinah was obliged to know where Leila was. She was obliged to help her if she needed her.

"More of my biggest ally. Everyone has a weakness and yours is her."

Regina shuddered when Edward pulled out a moonbane knife and placed it on Reinah's throat. The burning made her wince.

It was the only weapon that could make any sorcerer die in short notice. Not even silver was a threat to them when it came to it. It would suck a sorcerer's energy. All of it until there was none. And who's a sorcerer without their magic? They would die almost instantly.

Regina looked calm and collected, "And after you finish killing her, what will you do? Kill me? let's say you do so too...then...?"

Edward was growing furious with Regina's calmness.

Regina made a fast single sign on Reinah's mind and she picked it up shakily. Reinah made a quick unexpected move, getting off Edward's grasp. She quickly rushed to her mother and before Edward could lounge himself on her, Regina pushed her behind and lands on Edwards's blade.
"I told you; Leila has a very long life ahead of her. Do you want me to tell you how long you have?"

His anger flared and he twisted the blade on her chest, making her gasp.
Reinah exclaimed, finally noticing the drops of blood on the floor. "Mother..."

Edward answered Regina. "Well, you have none left."

Reinah screamed, rushing to her mother. Edward released the knife, making her fall on her knees. Reinah caught her, cradling her on her arms with tears.

"No..." she weeped, "Don't leave me. don't leave me...No..."

Regina caresses her daughter's face.

"No no no no...please..." She mourned.

"It's okay." She wheezed. "Everything is going to be okay. Stay strong. She'll come for you." She whispered the last words. Reinah sobbed uncontrollably, tears pouring on her face and her mother's.

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