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A/N: Hola mi amigos y amigas. Bienvenidos.
Hello my friends. Welcome back. I released the next chapter early because of last time's late delay. So I hope you enjoy.


Why doesn't she possess a scent?

I look at her.

She was so beautiful. Maybe I had noticed this before...maybe I didn't. It's the effect of what she did to me.

I see.

But pale. She was running out of blood.

Damnit, where is Nat?

"Hang in there..." I whisper.

I'm not supposed to care. Why do I even care?

Because she has an effect on you. On us.

"NAT..." I call out. She was wasting time.

"I'm here. She's here." She comes in with the royal medic. The woman only treats royal members and soldiers.

"She's losing blood, Kara." I say, worried.

"Lay her on the bed." Kara orders.

I carry her and place her on the bed.

Well now I think I shouldn't have changed the sheets.

"Let me take a look." She removes the sheets. Kara gasps at the look of it. "Your claws, Nickolas." She looks at me with a serious face

"I know...I wounded her. I lost it. It was out of anger." I say apologetically. Apologetically.

She sighs. I stand to leave the room when I notice Nat looking intensely at me. She wasn't angry anymore but confused to my new reaction.

"Where are you going?" Nat says.

I just look at her then walk out of the room.

I walk out because I know that I am the only one who can directly heal that wound with my blood. I didn't want to. I saved her, yes, but that doesn't mean I should heal her from her punishment. If I kept on staying there I'm sure Kara would just tell me to heal her. And maybe, just maybe, I would after what she just made me feel.

Stubborn piece of shit!

I needed air. Away from her. Far away. Out of that room.

I know I was apologetic and all but yes...I'm that stubborn.

Oh, I'm surprised. Kale was being sarcastic again. I paid no heed on him.

Let her just stop the bleeding and dress the wound but I won't directly heal her.


I was in the library, pouring myself a glass of whisky. I gulp it down in one go. I pour another and gulp it down also. And another but before I drank it off...

"I've never seen you drink this much hunny."

It was mom. She was in my study. I guess it's because of what I had asked of her earlier today.

I say, "Yes, you have." I place the glass on the table. "What are you doing here?"

"A deal is a deal, right?"

I sigh.

I was having second thoughts about asking her. I was quiet so I took a sip of my drink again.

Mom places her hand on my hair and rubs the back of my head softly turning me to face her. "I'm sorry I slapped you earlier."

"It's not your fault..."

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