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I was too tired to start assessing what Nat was doing but what I knew for sure is that she’s not supposed to be assessing my mirror.

“I thought you were asleep.”

I sit upright. “It’s hard to when there are voices around.” I groan to the slight headache that was forming in my head.

“I think you should lay back down.” Dana comes over to me and helps me down to my pillow. “You need to rest…” She looks at Nat. “…we all need to get some rest.”

“It’s a tiring night, Dana is right.” Daniel supports.

Natalia nods.

“Come on…lie down now, everything is gonna be fine.” Dana covers me with the duvet properly.

“No…nothing is ever gonna be fine as long as he’s gone.” I was too tired to start mourning him again, I just close my eyes. I hear Dana sigh and her weight lifts off the bed.

I could hear their footsteps living.

“Leila…” Nat calls. I open my eyes slightly. “…is there someone else in your room?” my mind was too clouded to understand what she was asking. I didn’t even want to think so I turned to the other side.

“no.” I finally say before shutting my mind and before I knew it, my conscious went black.


Hey…Leila…sweetheart…I need you.


I need you…can you feel me?

I gasp waking up. It was just another one of my dreams this week. Of course I expected I’d be dreaming about him, it’s just like the issue with my parents. I told Dana about it but she told me it’s a normal feeling. She told me she’s also dreamt of Nathaniel a lot after he passed, it’s mutual. But these dream…they are just…


I gasp again, looking at Nat who was sitting at my bedside. I sigh after I notice her.

“You were dreaming about him again. I said his name.”

I pull my knees to my chest but I didn’t cry this time.

“It’s okay…” she pauses and looks away. “…I dream about him too.”

I pull my knees down and look at her. “Does it feel the same?” she looks at me. “Does it also feel…real?”

She gives a low sad chuckle. “I don’t know what is real anymore. I just wanna find myself a place and burry me.” She stands and head at the window, looking out. She chuckles, “Just look at how the weather is also mourning.” It was a gloomy day and there were showers.

There was silence between us for a while.

“Nat…” I call and she turns to look at me. “What are you doing here?”

She looks away at the window. “I’m supposed to have a meeting with the council, mom and uncle. I don’t wanna go, I already know what they’re gonna talk about anyway.”

Ever since Nick’s death, the council has been afraid that someone who killed him might come for the throne so they’ve been pressuring her to take it before that happens. It will be easier to fight him or her when Nat is already the new Alpha.

Nat doesn’t want to…she wants Nick to come back and keep on ruling this pack.

They’ve been forcing her in every meeting, they’ve even planned the date for the coronation ceremony. Since there’s only one crescent festival in a year, they want to crown her on the next full moon.

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