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She was going more pale and it made me even more angrier, confused. I felt my heart break with every second that passed.

She was laying on the bed in her room. We were all there waiting for Kara to give us any feedback.

"What's going on, Kara? Why aren't you telling us anything?" I ask in desperation.

"Ease yourself Nick..." Mom tells me.

"I don't know what I'll do if anything happens to her mom." I say softly.

Kara turns to me. "I don't know what's going on exactly, but she's poisoned. The poison isn't reciprocating to any medications I'm giving."

"Then try harder." I growl, insisting.

"You don't get it my king...unless I know what she has in her, I can't be of any help." She says.

"" I say under my breath.

"I'm so sorry." She says.

I move towards the bed and sit next to her. She looks's as if she's...dead. No...she can't be dead. Not now.

I caress her face...this view of her just kills me.

My mom decides to take of Leila's shoes. When she touches her legs, mom flinches at it. She signals Kara to come over. She also touches her feet then looks at my mom.

"What is it?" I ask in curiosity as I move to also touch her feet. She's cold.
"Why is she cold? What is this?" I ask in worry.

"If it's what I think it is, maybe we have a shot at saving her." Mom says.

"What is it, mother?" I ask.

"It's a royal was used during the first wars to trick the enemy pack making them think the alpha or lycan king is dead. But it only served for a duration of 12 hours." She says.

"What happens after that?" I ask...not wanting to know the answer towards that question.

"You die...for real." Kara answers.

Goddess, no...please no...

"But it has an antidote." Mom assures.

"I think it might still be in my mom's house." Kara says.

"Kayeel still has it because she's a long time soldier." Mom says.

Kayeel is Kara's mother. She's been a soldier since my father. I's a long time.

"Then go get it." I order.

Kara heads out.

I look at her and sigh. I bury my face in my palms.

"It's gonna be okay." Nat reassures me. " I'm gonna help out in looking for Noami." She also leaves. I don't stop her.

Mara and Daniel do the same also.

"I'm gonna go calm your aunt down. Don't worry...Leila's a fighter." Mom says before she also leaves.

I remain there alone in silence. I lift my head from my hands and squeeze her hand. "Please wake up...mate..." I say softly.

Calling her that, breaks my heart even more, just knowing that I may not get a chance to be with her.

I stay there holding her hand until Kara shows up the next fifteen minutes. She enters with Nat.

"Thank goddess you're here..." I sigh in relief.

She sits next to her as I stand to leave her more space.

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