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I know...I know, I took so long to update but I promise this chapter is amazing...and apparently longer than the others...or I think. So I hope you enjoy too much to forgive me. Lol


It's either he's too busy or he's avoiding me. And if he is avoiding me, what did I do wrong? Is it because of what happened in the car.

Recently he's been drinking after dinner in his bar room...alone. Not even with Nat. Well Nat only gets him out of there if he's too drunk to get himself in his room. Nat tells me he only drinks like that when he's stressed. She told me he did this when there are serious pack matters that stress him out. He also did this when he was confused. But I've never seen him stressed.

"He hasn't done this for goddess knows how long...but I'm sure this one is not about the pack." Nat tells me.

We were sitting at the kitchen talking after dinner. The omegas were already in their quarters. Dana had also gone to bed. I was having a cup of tea and she was just keeping me company.

One thing I'm grateful is Nick not killing her that day. But I can't believe Nat just left me because she thought Nick will take care of everything and take me home. How dare she leaves me drunk with him? Well, I did wanna kill her afterwards but after the heated moment I had with him, it's okay. She's lucky I didn't spill out my guts at him and tell him the truth.

"Well nothing stresses him up more than pack issues." I tell her.

"Oh come on...don't be silly. I know you know."

"Know what?"

"That it also involves you..." she smirks.

"No it doesn't..." I shrugg.

"Oh're close to him and yet he wants you no where near him when he's drunk."

"No one likes people around them when they are drunk, Nat." I argue.

"Well you enjoyed him being around you when you were drunk."

"No I didn't..." how does she know this?

"I know everything that happened. First because I'm his beta and I feel his emotions most of the time...second because he talks much about it when he's drunk and I'm dragging him to his room."

I remain tongue-tied and feel my face flush.


"I was just drunk..."

" the next day."

" doesn't matter..."

"You drive him crazy."

I do? "Ofcourse's just a fling." He only feels that because of the mate pull.

"Is it?" I don't answer. "The main thing that I'm trying to make you do is ask him."

"About what?" I give a half-chocked laugh.

"My brother speaks out when he's drunk...that's why he doesn't want you near him. He also acts stupid sometimes..."


"Soooo...." she moves near me.

"NO." I say straight to her.

"Oh come on...he's not gonna notice anything tomorrow."

"No...he made it clear that he wants no one in his bar room, not even when he's away."

"He's gonna be drunk and not even remember you going in his bar room."

"You're crazy..."

"I'm giving you an opportunity to let him tell you everything he feels about you and you're throwing it away."

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