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I open my eyes to the sound of Nat calling silently to me.

It was morning already.

Nat was seated at my bedside.

"What are you doing?" I ask her as I also sit upright on the bed rubbing my eyes off sleep.

"Oh..." She sighs. "I was just checking if you're still alive. You know...yesterday's issue with the pool..."


"Anyways...I came to get you for breakfast." She stands from the bed.

"But I'm just waking up right now. I'm not even ready yet." I complain.

"Well hurry up...I'll be in my room getting something for you to wear." She says walking towards the door. When she was about to leave, she reminds "Breakfast will be ready in thirty." She then leaves.

I sigh and get out of bed.


I was right on time of course. We had breakfast but Nick wasn't on the table and it got me curious.

After breakfast I walked into the sitting room only to find Dana there.

"Hi..." I say.

"Oh, there you are. How are you feeling today? I'm probably asking you this quite late but I had things to do that's why I quickly walked out after breakfast."

"'s okay...and I'm fine, thank you."

"Are you sure?" She touches my forehead to check for a temperature.

I move my head away slightly. "I swear I'm fine." I insist.

She looks carefully at me. "Okay...I believe you."

"Thank you."

"But Kara is gonna come see you after a short while..."

"Wait...what? Why?" I say in disapproval.

"...just stay in your room until she does." She adds up.

"But I'm fine...I promise. I feel better than normal, Dana." I argue.

"I know you think I'm being over worried but I just care about you." I sigh. "So just as I say." She adds up.

"Okay fine...I will."

Dana smiles.

I was about to walk away when I remembered to ask. "Where's Natalia?"

"She went was an urgent call."

"Oh...okay..." I then walk back to my room.


It was boring just sitting here doing nothing but waiting for almost an hour.

I needed to make up a plan for what I was to do. I needed to find out Nickolas' connection to the assassin. Find out why he wants to kill him...and my parents.

Just then Kara enters in my room. "Sorry I took some time..."

You bet you did.

I say, "'s okay."

"Something urgent came up..."

Seems to be everyone's excuse.

"Seems like it did." I say under my breath.

"You know I can hear you." She sits next to me.

Oh shoot! My bad!

"Oops...thought out loud." I say. Kara just smiles. "Everyone has been giving me that same excuse lately."

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