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It had been long hours of walking, and crying from the baby. But the crying, I did not know what to do with it. I never knew. I feed it and put it to sleep but it remained restless. I was already restless myself. I was naked and cold. And I couldn't ’t figure out how to take cover. It wouldn't be long until the soldiers passed again, searching for me. Queenie had helped me enough by muting our scent and giving me enough strength to carry my feet on the ground. Even she was starting to whine from the loss of her energy. Sooner or later, she was going to be out and I needed cover.

I crept within the shadows of the night and looked for a possible way to get something to cover myself. With my hazy mind, I turned the knob to a house and it clicked open. I got in with hopes of getting something useful but as soon as I set my feet inside the warm wooden floors and warm air inside the house, I saw darkness surround me and I was out.

I got in and out of consciousness a few times and I couldn’t understand what I uttered.

Something in the lines of whoever it was that was around me should not take my baby.

And in those moments of me getting in and out of conscious, I saw a warm light around the room, heard the crackles of a nearby fire and felt heat and the soft bedding beneath me. I didn’t hear any baby cries and my heart became unsettled.

I fell out of conscious again.

I woke up and my whole body was numb and tired. I struggled to push my lids apart and wide enough to read my surroundings. It was pouring outside and the fire was cracking on the fireplace. The ceilings were wood, a dark shade of brown timber. The lights were dim but I could see around the simple minimalistic room.

I was going to feel safe but there was only one thing. It was raining and thundering out of season. It meant bad omen.

I gasped, turning to my side, lifting myself up with my elbow. I winced at the small pain on my ribs. My other hand rubbed it as I shifted on the white sheets. White. It was calming. My heart sped up even more when I saw a baby crib beside the bed I was on. I pushed myself up from the bed and looked inside it, she was a bundle of soft-looking blankets. Looking at her peaceful sleeping made me calm down for a split second until I again remembered that I was in some place I know not of.

I took her in my arms and shook off the dizziness in my head as I got up. She shifted a little and I shushed her sweetly. I navigated my way through the small house space but there was no one around. No one that I’d bumped in to so far. I opened the front door as soon as I found it but a hand held my shoulder and I shrugged, holding the baby tight.

I turned to an aged woman with grey hair and dark clothes looks straight at me. “You cannot go out there. They are looking for you.”

“Who are you?” My voice came out hoarse.

“The pack is swarming with soldiers harassing us on your whereabouts.”

“I’m…I’m not…”

“Yes, you are. It is an honor to be in your presence.”

I scoffed, “Why are you helping me? By now I’m pretty sure they’ve told everyone I was a traitor.”

“I don’t take people’s words over my eye's judgement.”

I just looked down at the sleeping baby on my chest.

“It’s cold outside. Don’t subject her in to that.”

She slowly went to close the door behind me and I somehow didn't stop her.

I said, “I don’t trust you.”

“Well, I trust you. And I’m hoping what they are saying is not true.” She walked inside the sitting room, heading to the joined kitchen counter.

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