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It was quiet again. I heard his footsteps move and I didn't dare raise my head untill I heard the dagger being pulled out of her. I released a breath I'd been holding, looking at Reinah. The air could now swiftly flow in to my lungs, she was safe.

I looked at him. I was trembling. My face was covered in tears, my body in thin sweat. He knew what I wanted, but I could see it in his cold what sang in his mind. I couldn't move just yet...not without his command.

"Two minutes...two, for her to fucking leave before I shred her to pieces." He said.

I rushed towards Reinah, dragging myself on the floor. My body ached but I didn't care.

I reached for her and shook her. "Reinah...Reinah wake up...wake up..." This time my voice was straight but still hoarse. I didn't cry. "Get up." I growled and she gasped for air, her eyes widened. She breathed hard. "It's okay...deep breaths...okay."

She threw herself at me, hugging me tightly right there on the floor. "Oh my Leila...look at what they've done to you."

I just took in a shaky breath. "It's okay...breath." I didn't want to leave a space for pity in myself.

She took in a deep breath and pulled away.

"Reinah, what are you doing here?"

"I came for you."

"You shouldn't have."

"Why shouldn't I? I felt it...the burns, it burns so much. More than the fire on Morgan and Leah..." She held her head shaking it profusely. Morgan and parents. "...she was screaming, I couldn't take it, she drove me mad." Her eyes widened as she described the pain, I could see her dark pupils dilate on the red around it. "So I had to come get you out of here."

"What you did was dangerous."

"I had to try. I didn't tell anyone yet...nobody knows."

Everyone...I had missed everyone. "How is...everyone?"

"Neutral for now. Goddess knows how freaked out they'll be if I tell them."

I sighed.

"Sixty seconds." Nick's voice echoed.

I shrugged. "You have to go..."


"You are to tell no one about this, you hear me?"


"Rei, this is not the time to argue." I scowled.

"'s not right. They have to come fight for you." She gripped hard on me.

"No one is fighting for anyone. No one is dying for anyone. I got myself in to this mess so I'll deal with it." I took her hands off of me.

"Thirty." He counted again.

"You're not well." Her hands shifted to check my wounds. "I have to..." As soon as her hand falls on my thigh she tensed in a long gasp. Her eyes had turned a glowing red and I knew that she knew by now. She'd seen it. Exactly what I didn't want.

She drew her hand back to herself, shaking. She cried out then looked at me in surprise. I held her gsze but I wasn't surprised. Her eyes widened even more. "You know."

I just swallowed, not changing my composure.

"You know...?" She didn't finish and looked at Nick. "How could you?" She scolded angrily in tears. I didn't turn back at Nick but I was sure he had no clue of whatever she was blaming him for.

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