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"Oh sweety, it's gonna be okay." Nat tells the now sobbing me, who is sitting on her bed. Dana was just standing across the room looking at me. She's not spoken a word ever since I arrived.

"Should I get you something to drink?" Nat asks me.

"Yah...water..." I say after I pull myself together.

Nat leaves the room.

"He's angry at me...I hurt him." I say almost in a whisper but Dana hears it anyways.

She sits on the bed and sighs.

"I didn't mean to upset him...I was just angry and I broke the bracelet I made him. I think I crossed my limits..." I say with a breaking voice.

"I don't know what happened between you and my son exactly, but I think he's just gonna get over his anger."

"No...I don't think so...he's really...really mad at me..." I say almost starting to sob again. "...I acted really horrible towards him, Dana."

Before Dana could say anything, Nat walks in with a glass of water and gives it to me. "Here..."

I receive it.

"Oh my God...that lunatic Drake did this to you?" Nat exclaims.

That's when I notice my hand. No, it wasn't Drake. I hate to say who it was. My hand was turning purple. Dana was startled by this. I could tell her mood changed.

"I think I'm gonna go see my son." She says standing.

"Whatever...thank him for me..." Nat says without paying attention to Dana.

"Sure..." Dana says with a clenched jaw. "I will thank him for you." She walks out of the room.


I didn't want anything or anyone to bother me right now. I was too angry...and disappointed to greet anyone when I arrived. One thing...I can never hide when I'm pissed and upset

I was just staring at the bracelet that was on my table in my study, thinking of a way to fix it. I can remember how all the patterns and the gems went but I don't know if I can fix it. I don't even know if I've picked all of the gems.

The door bursts open. "Nickolas Nathaniel."

It was mom. When I hear my full name, I know she's mad.

I quickly put the bracelet in my drawer.

"What is it, mom?" I say in annoyance.

"What is your problem?" She scolds in a low tone.

"What is my problem? I'm not getting the insinuation right now. What is the blame?...cause I'm pretty sure I have lots of faults right now, I just don't know which one."

"Don't play that stupid game with me?"

"Fine..." I say in surrender. "She pissed me off and I got angry."

"To the extent of almost breaking her hand...?" It wasn't a question

"It was an accident. I didn't wanna do that." I say quietly.

I had noticed her hand in the car. It was turning red. She was hiding it but I could see it. I didn't wanna break it...I don't know what happened to me at the time.

"Look, I don't know what happened between you two but please just fix it..."

"I should fix it...?" I ask in surprise.

"Of course you should..." She was quiet for a while. I didn't tell her anything. She comes close to me. "I don't know who started this tension between you two..." She spoke softly. "...and I know you didn't mean to hurt her...and she didn't mean to hurt you...whatever the case, but you can't stay mad at her forever..."

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