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"But I love being a lycan, it's beautiful."

My mother just looked at me with eyes brimming tears. I didn't understand why what I said made her so sad.

"Sweetie...being a lycan is beautiful. But being a female lycan has a price, a price we all have to pay." Mother said this as she kept a strand of my black hair behind my ear. She knelt down in front of me as whispered soothingly. "I love you, I love you so much Leila honey, always remember that."

Suddenly she stood up still in tears and started moving backwards further away from me.

"Mom...mommy..." I called out. I wanted to make a step towards her. To follow her back I couldn't. It's as if I was glued to the ground I was on.

"Mommy...mommy..." I shouted in vain but she still moved backwards.

Suddenly she was on fire and she was screaming in pain.

"No...No...Mama" She was burning up, dying in front of me and I could do nothing but stand there watching and crying.

I then open my eyes. It was morning already. It was just another one of my nightmares.

My eyes were filled with tears but I wasn't crying. It usually happens every day. I always have these nightmares. Ever since my parents were murdered by the leader of the Dark Crescent Pack, the gruesome lycan king who's made my life miserable ever since.

"Is it another one of your nightmares?" Regina, my mother's sorcerer asks worried. She is ever here every morning to check up on me.

I don't answer her. I sit up from the bed. She looks at me and also sits next to me. She holds my hand unexpectedly. I shrug.

"You have to let it go princess." She usually calls me that. It reminds me of my mom. Tears just keep on running from my eyes without me crying. I was pale as always.

"Even your mother wouldn't have wanted you to be like this." She adds, wiping off my tears from my face with her thumb.

"I wanna be alone." I finally say after fighting out my sadness.

"I care about you hun, and I don't like seeing you like this."

"Please...I wanna be alone." I insist calmly.

She knows that I know that she cares for me but right now I wanna be alone because whatever she says reminds me of mom.

She says, "Lei..."

I don't let her finish her statement. "Please..." I plead a little bit harshly. "Please..." This time I was calm. "Let me be alone. I need to think."

Regina breaths out and stands. "Okay hunny" she says calmly. She walks towards the door, opens it then looks back at me with her eyes (with red iris.) "I love you sweetie, always remember that." She gets out and closes the door.

I pull my knees on my chest and bury my head. I cry my heart out. I was so angry, sad and confused.

Regina and her daughter Reinah understood me. They are the only family I have left. The pack's royal sorcerers. And also Max, my best of friend.

But even having them doesn't change the fact that I still feel hurt and alone. Helpless.

I stand up, wipe my tears and head for a bath.


All sorcerers have red eyes (iris) and are female.

Regina was now entering the dining room and only found Edward having a glass of juice.

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