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My eyes flutter open only to find Nat and Kara sitting next to me on the bed. My mouth felt ashy and bitter.

Wait!...why am I in my room?

"Leila... Are you okay?" Nat asks.

"What happened?" I ask her back. I feel slightly dizzy and nauseous.

"You passed out." Kara answers me.

"I passed out...?" I was confused.


"Here...I got you these." Kara hands me some paper bags. Of course I was feeling nauseous'd she know that? What happened?

"Why did I pass out? How did it happen?" I wanted to know.

"You...don't remember...?" Nat ask.

"Remember what?" I'm even more confused.

Ashy. Bitter.

"It's okay not to remember also, it's normal." Kara says.

"Leila, what is the last thing you remember?" A voice asks. It was Nick standing against the door with an almost disappointed face.

I then try to recall the day...Drake...the talk I had with Nick...we almost kissed...and...I was worried that Nat figured out about me...that I was the backstabber and she was going to tell him. And I followed them, then...

Ashy. Bitter. Bile. Vomit.

That's when I felt my stomach running down. I felt even more nauseous. I think I'm gonna throw up. I quickly take one paper bag and throw up in it.

"Well...I think she now remembers." Kara says.

I throw up even more.

"Easy...easy sweetheart..." Kara soothes. She takes the paper bag that I threw up in and gives me a new paper bag in which I again throw up in. "It's okay." She says.

I throw up until I feel a little bit at ease. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Nat asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Okay then...I'm gonna leave you with some of the bags just in case." Kara stands up. "Excuse me." She walks out of the room.

"Nat... I need the room alone with her." Nick orders.

"Are you sure about this?" Nat asks the both of us.

"Yes..." Nick answers but I don't.

Nat looks at me for the last time then leaves.

There was silence and tension for a while before Nick spoke. "Leila..."

"No...don't..." I didn't want him to owe me any explanation on what I just saw him do today. I didn't wanna remember it.

"I just wanna..." He pleads.

"Nick please...I think I've had enough for the day...I need to rest." He wanted to say something but I add. "...please..."

He sighs in disappointment. "Fine." He gets out of the room and closes the door.

I then throw up for the last time. I go to the bathroom sink, rinse my mouth then come back to bed. I thought for a while until sleep caught me off guard.



I close the door only to hear her  throw up again.

Shit! You just had to ruin had to ruin it Nickolas Nathaniel, bravo!

I block Kale off.

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