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"Nick..." I exclaim and in a matter of milliseconds he turns and catches the silver spear that was now inches away from his face. The silver burns him and he throws down the spear, hissing in pain. He looks at his now red hand.

"Leila...get to the car..." he says.

"I'm not leaving you." I tell him.

"I'm gonna be fine, just get to the car and start driving." My feet were still stuck on the ground...debating whether I should leave or not. "Get the fuck out of here, I can handle them." He shouts as he lets Kale surface. His eyes turn and I see his claws rise but then before turning, he groans in pain.

"What's going on? Why isn't Kale taking over?" I ask worried.

He starts breathing raggedly and in pain. He groans again. "That's the fucking wish...they've blocked him. This is as far as I can transform. Fuck!" He gets up. "I need you to get out of here." We start hearing growls and howling. "Leila...get out..." he says...this time not shouting but warning.

"What about you?" I wasn't ready to leave him there to die.

"I can handle them...I think..." he groans in pain again when he feels Kale trying to take over with no success. His eyes go on and off lycan mode and his claws rise and fall back. Kale was struggling to take over and protect him but he was being blocked and Nick was hurting in the process. "Calm down, Kale." I hear him say to himself.

"I'm not letting you die." I say to him but mostly to myself. He looks at me in disbelief.

I tear up my top and tie it on my hand then pick up the silver spear without getting myself burned by it. I take a deep breath.

"Leila what are you doing?" Nick asks breathlessly holding himself up.

"I'm saving us." I say sure of myself. Maybe Nick's wish is about to come true. I do remember every move I'm taught to fight when my lycan is blocked. I just need silver to make this fight fair...just silver. "I know you know how to defend yourself when Kale is blocked." It's something all royals in every pack are taught.

"I do but..."

I know he was about to chase me off but I cut off his statement. "Good...this won't be so hard."

"What are you...?" Before he could finish his statement, we see a lot of wolves surrounding us with their canines ready to devour. Some were in human form also, yielding silver weapons in gloves. "You were saying...?"

"I heard you are a ruthless soldier who can kill the whole army by himself." I say then look at him. "Be one today."

"It's only possible with Kale..." he says.

Before we could get time to think, the wolves start attacking. I fight them off around Nick to let him calm from the pain inside him. His eyes widen when he notices me take down most of the wolves. I just need to make a silver cut in them so that I could block off their wolves. As soon as I do that, they fall back into their human form and the fight becomes fair for me.

When I start growing tired, Nick covers me. Luckily, his lycan strength and abilities aren't blocked but Kale can't take over. His strength is all we need to get this fight going our way. He stops wondering at my fighting skills and begins fighting himself. For the second time, I see how ruthless of a killer he can be. He was angry and Kale was angry that they've blocked him, which equals to red alarm on them. Kale can only surface half way and he's using that effectively to protect Nick.

They stab silver on his leg and he falls on one knee. He growl angrily...Kale surfaces but doesn't take over. I run up to him, worried. "Nick..."

"I'm fine." He says gently. He tries to get up but his leg fails. "Listen to have to get out of here." He tells me in a whisper.

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