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A valentine treat 😜

Mature content along...

It had been so long eversince they'd seen each other. They both kept to their rooms until they felt better.

Dana had called the both of them to the kitchen because she thought they had stayed inside too long. None of the two expected to see the other but they felt glad.

"Nick..." She said under her breath when he walked in the kitchen in his sweats. Only his sweats.

It became hard to concentrate on anything else but his chest, arms, muscles, skin. Even if he'd been tortured and starved and sick, he looked strong, huge. Maybe it had made him even more huge, she thought.

He looked at her in surprise of seeing her there too but mostly stared down at her in her night robe.

She blushed.

He was sure he had missed her.

"Now now..." Dana snapped their minds back to her. "I only called you here to get you out of your rooms, not to make a get together for the both of you. Now sit, I'll make you one of my tea to make you feel better." She turned to the stove, giving them her back.

He took a sit on the empty stool that felt very far away from her. He didn't understand why his hormones were playing him that much with her near. Of course, he had missed her...he just didn't know this much.

Dana kept on giving them a pep talk about her herbal teas. He's heard it before and it was making him rather annoyed and frustrated. Jumpy. Mostly jumpy and he didn't know why. His mother was taking way too long. All he wanted to do was be with her, touch her, kiss her and...

He looked at Leila. He could hear her heart rumbling all the way to him. She was looking at Dana but just looking, her mind was completely out. He knew now, why his hormones were racing in him. She was having naughty thoughts about him, fantasizing, and he was picking her effect up.

Oh that naughty wicked mate we have...Kale purred

He smirked and she turned to him. She became red after noticing that he'd figured her out. He was her mate after all, it was just a matter of time.

Nick moved his stool next to hers and she suddenly loosed a breath in relief. It had been very long since she's had him near her.

Dana was still busy talking, explaining about her herbal tea but the two of them just moved to their own playful worlds...their sexual fantasies.

It was an instinct when he placed his hand on her, softly caressing and stroking her inner thigh. She swallowed her pleasure as she felt the breath being sucked out of her.

Dana was still talking, while busy preparing the herbal tea for them but her voice was deafening in their heads.

He went deeper, further inside and she involuntarily opened her thighs to let him touch.

He smirked at her need. It was tempting, so tempting that he took that chance without a thought.

Her eyes fell weak when she felt his fingers on her clit, just abover her thin, damned, lacy underwear. She was already wet and he was impressed.

Dana's voice faded away when he started stroking her softly, slowly and the only thing separating him in her, was-again- the damned underwear.

She placed her hands on her mouth pretending to hold up her head as she leaned on the island but she was just trying to hold back her ragged panting.

As he went on gifting her the pleasure, faster, faster, she found it hard keeping her eyes open, keeping her mind rational. He went up and down, in circles until her body was getting drunk to every wave of orgasm. It was consuming her. Then his fingers lower to what he anticipated to be her opening...his later on...touching that right spot

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