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WARNING: Mature content in this chapter. Read on your own risk.


He then starts kissing my neck...sucking...licking...I can't say how much disgusted I am. And right now, I gotta act smart even if I'll seem so stupid.

"Wait...wait..." I tell him. He doesn't stop. "Okay fine...I agree to whatever you want from me but please listen to me..."

This catches his attention and he stops. He looks at me.

"Please...please don't do this to least not today." I beg.

"You do know that you have no say on what should be done to you and how it should be done, right?"

"Yes...I know. But please give me time and I swear you won't have to tie me up  like this just to have me."

"I don't play games..."

"I know..." I stop pressing my legs and release myself for him. He looks down at me then back up at my face.

"What are you aiming much time are we talking about?" He asks with a grin.

"Three days..."

He was silently looking at if reading me. I'm not sure if he's gonna buy this or I'm toast.

He then opens the drawers on the bedside table and I wish I could see what he's looking for. He then closes it and moves on top of me...Oh Goddess! He didn't buy it. He looks at me for a moment then move to my arms where he un-cuffs me.

I then give a huge sigh.

"Count yourself lucky, I never bargain with my preys. You're gorgeous and I bet it's gonna be fun when you freely hand yourself over to me. Only three fucking days..." He warns.

I nod.

He gets off of me and walks towards the door then looks at me. I was still plastered in the same position I was from when he got off.

"His scent is all over you, I can't fuck you while you still smell like him. I hope in those three days we'll meet in something else other than his scent." He then leaves the room.

I breath out heavily as I sit upright. I quickly look under the pillow and find the bandana still there. Thank Goddess they didn't see it. Nick's scent was still on it. I rub myself with it gently hoping he can still catch his scent.


My eyes burst open from the dream I had. How could I remember this? How could I dream the night we were in that trance? We didn't even know what we were doing.

I close my eyes back to remember the he kissed he touched me...everything. There were was beautiful. I'm sure he doesn't remember it cause if he did, he would've known we're mates.

His tongue...Gosh! his tongue...I can still feel his hot tongue on my skin...the taste of his lips...his skin...his scent...his beautiful scent like vanilla and honey...

I then pull the bandana from under my pillow and take a deep breath on his scent. How can his scent...just his scent, make me feel this weak?

I breath it in but I can't get enough of it. Every time I breathe it in my whole body feels hot, my mind feels his touch and my insides become even more wet.

I breath it in and I find myself letting out a low groan. What's wrong with me...what am I can I think of him beyond limits?

Aargh! How can I want him so bad?

As my mind starts flooding itself with my mate, my hand involuntarily starts taking the bandana all over my body, applying his scent all over me. For once, it felt as if he was touching me and I wanted him to touch me beyond all boundaries. With every thought of that very night, I could feel myself running out of breath.

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