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In his arms for the whole night felt like a dream I didn’t want to wake up from.

I had woken up in the middle of the night with my need to have him again and I lazily stroked his beautiful skin, touching my mate. Waking him up sweetly until he also lazily rewarded me with another beautiful, slow, torturous session. And we kept our hands on each other, touching and teasing each other for almost the whole night.

And here I was, on his bed, in his room, laying on my side, naked, with his arms wrapped around me, his breath caressing my neck and shoulders. It was where I forever wanted to be except not now.

Not today.

Me staying here would scream to everyone on us being together. Luna.

My pack would know of how I was not going on with the plan which was even more dangerous for me and him. I didn't even bother to gather information in my stay here.

I jolted up, waking Nick in the process. He grunted at the sight of day. I instead started rummaging around to look for my clothes.

“What are you doing?” his lazy, unbothered voice asked.

“I need to go. No one can find out about this.” I attempted to pick my underwear but it was just pieces of black lace. I ignored it and throwed it off.

“What?” He sat upright, trying to collect himself in that early morning. “Why?”

That question…why?...a question I practically didn’t have an answer to. At least not for him.

I turned to look at him, pulling my night dress on. “Because…” I quickly tried to make up a lie. “…Nat usually shows up in my room every morning and if she doesn’t find me there, she’s going to start asking questions.”

He huffed, “So?” he got up from the bed.

My throat choked the air in it.

Goddess, he’s naked!

I turned around like a stupid idiot. I had him on me the whole night and yet here I was acting like a fool.

He chuckled, his voice seemingly near my back, my heart thundered.

I didn’t wanna get back on that bed. I didn’t wanna get back on that bed.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind and I sighed at the first touch of him in the day. Soft. Tempting. I closed my eyes. His lips lingered dangerously on my neck in which I leaned on. His body was hard, pressing on me and I could feel him ready, solid, to get back on that bed again.

Shit! I’m ending up on that bed, aren’t I?

I took a breath. “Nick…”

He spoke on my neck, his breath swallowing my mind. “Last night was the most amazing night of my life.” His voice was soft. Soft, it was too tempting to turn and push him back on that bed with me on top of him.

Me on top of him.

Goddess, don't fall for it, Leila.

“Me too.” I answered softly, unconsciously.

His lips trailed up to my ear and he nibbled on it lightly. Teasingly hard. Light again.

Goddess, help me!

He said, low and husky  “You were amazing. Beautiful.” he took my lobe between his teeth and I sighed a moan.

Goddess, help me!

“Yeah?” I asked again, unconsciously.

His tongue licked up my pinnae and I felt myself drench in my core, with the thoughts of him. Of last night.

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