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I'm so sorry for the late come back. Med school has been a bit tight lately but I hope you didn't get bored waiting. Enjoy the chapter.


"What do you want now, Nick?" She says, annoyed

"Shouldn't I get a drink in my own birthday party?" I say, sitting next to her at the counter.

She was quiet. I order a glass of whisky. I needed it right now. And I know I've consumed too much champaign before I could collect enough balls to come talk to her. Probably apologise...or not.

"Nice dress..."  It was the only thing I managed to say before gulping down my whisky.

I knew she felt uncomfortable. I could sense her pulse running. I liked this situation. At least, I wasn't the only one that was nervous.

"I'm not talking to you." She says not looking at me

"But you are..." I say then finishes my drink. I order for more. "In fact, I'm supposed to talk to all the guests in my party."

She looked annoyed and she was clearly not going to talk to me. She didn't say anything.

"So you're not gonna say anything?"

Again, she was quiet.

"Oh come on, don't tell me your still mad..."

"You...are a jerk..." She says rather angrily. I raise my brow at her. "...and you can't even apologize, yet you have the audacity to ask me if I'm still mad."

I sigh and gulps down drink, stubborn as I am.

Oh my God...even a little 'sorry' would do. I ignore Kale. That damned ego will cost you a lot.

"Really..." she says after noticing that I had no intentions of apologizing. She groans and stands to leave. "I knew I shouldn't have come here."

I couldn't let her leave just like that, I needed her to be here.

I also stand and hold her by her wrist. "Wait."

"Let go of me." She says almost in a whisper.

"You can't just leave like that, just because of a little argument we had."

I then notice the bar tender stealing looks at us. I pull her somewhere else where he wasn't gawking much.

"What are you doing?" She asks, confused.

"Getting peoples' noses out of our convo." I tell her.

"I told you I'm not in the mood to talk to you."

"What do you want me to do?" I ask.

"Nothing...I don't wanna be here anyways..."

"So where would you rather be?"

"Sleeping...cause it's peaceful and also sleep doesn't blame me for things I didn't do wrong."

"Here we go again."

"Of course Im'ma  keep on reminding you..."

People around us were dancing to the slow song. Leila on the other hand was too angry to notice this in her complains. We were standing amidst the dance floor.

"I'm only here because Nat wanted me to be here..."


"...and I didn't wanna run into you at all..."


"...but I was stupid cause, of course this is your party after all..."

I m pull her by the wrist, close to me and hold her waist. She involuntarily keeps her arms on my chest. "Shut up and dance with me."

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