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I'm like super tired today. Noami and I played too much hide and seek. She's an adorable girl but very energetic.

We're now finishing desert at the dining table and I don't know but...Nat's uncle has been giving me these weird looks during dinner.

What has he heard about me?

I mean it's enough that his wife is doing the same but I didn't expect him to also do it, he wasn't there when Noami awkwardly asked Nick if I was his mate.

"Come on sweetie...time for bed." Noami's mom tells her.

"Oh come on mommy, I don't feel sleepy." Noami complains.

"Hunny, it's way past your bed time."

"But mommy, let me play the last game with sleeping beauty."

"She's even more tired."

Daniel looked confused. "I'm sorry you lost me, who's sleeping beauty?"

"Just forget it." His wife tells him

"Her..." Noami points at me. "I found her sleeping in Nicky's library. She was so pretty."

Daniel looks at me then Nick then me again. "Oh..." He just says.

"Tell you what..." I finally decide to speak. "...why don't I tuck you to bed?" I tell Noami.

"After a nice shower." Her mom adds.

"Yes, yes please.." She says excitedly.

I really needed to step out of that room cause everyone is starting to get weird around me.

I remove the napkin from my lap and put it on the table. I stand up, "Excuse me..." I carry Noami and leave with her.


Noami was now on bed with her pajamas.

"I'm telling you, I can't sleep."

"Oh come on Noami, you have to sleep. Why don't I tell you a bed time story... I could tell you about...sleeping beauty."

"I'd love to...but I've got a better idea...why don't you tell me what's going on between you and my cousin."

"Nat and I are good friends." I play stupid, knowing full well whom she's asking about.

"Of course I know that. Tell me what I don't you and Nicky."

Oh no!

"What about me and Nicky?"

"Yeah, what about me and her?" A voice also asks behind me. My heart jumps as I turn.

"Nick..." I say almost breathless. "...what are you..." I clear my throat. "...doing here?"

"I came to check up on this naughty little princess." He walks in. "You girls talking about me?"

"No" I say

"Yes." Noami says in unison to me.

Nick looks at the both of us with a raised brow.

"Oops..." Noami says looking at me.

She's lucky she's adorable to be angry at.

"She was just asking about you...but since you already showed up, I guess I'll have to leave you two say your good nights.

"No don't go yet. You haven't kissed me goodnight."

I sigh, "Okay fine." I kiss her on the forehead. "Sleep tight."

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