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I put Noami back down on the floor and pull her behind me.

Kale was thrashing and pushing to be released but I hold him back. I wasn't going to ruin my chances. Drake was crazy.

"Cut the shit, Drake. You don't wanna do this. You don't wanna challenge me." I growl.

"Actually I think I do." He pulls her hair.

Leila gasps in pain. I feel my heart drop in pain.

"Okay let's just have that talk." I bargain.

"Oh but we already did Nicky, did you forget the time you sat on my office tracking down your little cousin and buying time for your little bitch to find her?"

"Don't call her that." I growl.

"You know, the Nick I know wouldn't have bothered listening to whatever I was gonna bargain. When I noticed you not attacking me by the winter region, I found out a woman was behind it...oops! Scratch that...behind 'you'. This time again I realized you weren't attacking me even after sending every soldier out of the room, so I again reasoned that your little lover was in the mansion, and where else if not to Noami." He again pulls her hair.

She gives a low scream. I really wish I could reap his head out by using his hair.

"Fucking stop doing that, you're hurting me." Leila scolds.

"STOP IT, YOU'RE HURTING HER." I growl. My aura rises and Noami shrugs.

"'re hurting me." Noami cries.

Damn it! My aura hurt her. How am I supposed to save Leila with Noami here with me?

"That's it..." I let Kale surface and my eyes change.

"It's a beautiful neck, isn't it? It would be a big loss if I break it." He says holding her neck.

"Let her go...or else..." Kale growls in me.

"Nick...Nick stop." Leila says. "You promised me." She reminds. A tear runs down her cheek as she looks straight in my eyes

That look that reminds me of the talk we had this morning.

"Once you get her, I need you to get out of the mansion ASAP." I say.

"I will." Leila assures.

"I'm not liking this plan and I don't think it's gonna end up well." I open up.

"It will end up well...I promise you'll get Noami back."

I look at her. "This is not only about Noami...your life is involved..."

She then cut me off. "Nick, whatever happens today, Noami must be your first priority."

"What are you..."

She holds my hand. "Promise me...promise me Noami will come first in whatever happens..."

I was quiet. I didn't wanna promise anything that would risk her life over Noami's.

"You're all gonna make it safely." I say.

"Promise me Nick." She insists. She was looking straight into my eyes. "Promise me."

My eyes turn back to normal. I've never been scared in my life...scared of loosing the only person I want to always be in my life...her.

"I'm going to be fine." She finally says in tears.

I could feel the fear in her. The same fear I was feeling.

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