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I head to my room. I did not know what to do. Nat was angry...Nick was angry...and I didn't even understand what I was feeling.

I lock the door behind me and I break down instantly.

What have I done?

"Leila...?" I hear Reinah's worried voice.

I sniff back my tears. "I'm sorry I was stupid."

"Sweetheart...oh I wish I was there with you."

"I was so stupid. Why did I go into the bar in the first place? I thought he wouldn't remember, but exactly why?"

"Oh don't blame didn't know it would happen, no one knew it would happen."

I lay on my bed and hug my pillow as I feel my tears flow. "I wish you were here."

"Me too. Don't cry."

"You were right...he hates me."

"No he doesn't, he's just angry."

"He barely even looked at me."

"Again, he's angry."

I roll my teary eyes.

"Cheer up, he's gonna get over it."

"I made him and Nat fight. Nick loves Nat, and I've never seen him this angry with her."

"That's what siblings are like, princess."

"He literally scolded her."

"He's a king...a lycan alpha...of course he's gonna scold her."

"And it's all my fault."


I chuckle. "Don't make me feel worse."

"Come on, cheer up, you're gonna be fine."

I wipe my tears and sit upright.

We hear a knock at my door and look at each other.

"Is it him?" Reinah asks.


We hear. It was Dana's voice.

"'s his mom. She doesn't know what happened."

"Oh, then let me leave you to get the door."

"But I don't wanna tell her."

"You have to. She's his mother, sooner or later she has to know. Come on...think of her as me...asking you what happened. You're gonna feel better when you talk to her. I know it."

I sigh.

"Leila, I know you're in there. I just wanna talk." I hear her say again.

I turn and see an empty mirror. Reinah was gone. I head towards the door and open it. Dana was just standing there looking at me.

"Can I come in?" she asks and I nod 'yes'. She enters and I close the door behind us.

"I didn't wanna bother you but my son almost mentioned his father in front of his little sister...and me..." her voice was almost breaking. "...he's never spoke about him let alone mention him and...I could follow Nat and ask her what happened but she's not gonna wanna see anyone...not after Nick almost comparing himself from his...father...and I...just wanna know what happened to make him that angry." She looked desperate and I felt hurt hearing about this.

"I got into his bar last night and uh...we almost..." I felt the disappointment in my voice. "I stopped it before it happened." She was just quiet. "I thought he wouldn't remember."

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