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Max barged in Reinah’s room where she was seated with her mother.

He urged, “I need you to release the lycan.”

Reinah got up, “What?”

“Release it.” He scowled.

“I can’t. If I do, Queen is gonna cause chaos in that place. You know.”

“I know that’s why I need you to release her back.”


Regina interfered, “You’ve pampers her a little bit too much, Reinah. Our future is kept captive in that place.”

Reinah said, “He won’t hurt her.”

“Hurt her?” Max snorted, ruffling his hair with his hand. “She is giving herself up for him to hurt her. You know Leila and we both know when her guilt starts eating its way up to her.”

“She’ll be fine.”

“Reinah, she is starving herself for three days as punishment for me badmouthing her jerk of a mate. He’s kept her in a silver gate for me intruding in his pack. She literally told me that she was going to get rid of the baby.”

Reinah was taken a back. “She…she didn’t mean that.”

Max threatened, “Release. The. Lycan.” His eyes were piercing hers hard like a sword. Reinah helds them until…

“Release her.” Regina said.

Reinah’s head whipped to her mother. “Mom…”

“Release the lycan, Reinah. For once, save you own sister and stop being so stupid in your fairytale hopes. You know that lycan is her only way out of there.”

“But mom, it’s going to take me days.”

“I can make it in hours.”



I didn’t know how many times; how many times was she going to sleep with her?

Anger burned in my throat.

It was a punishment. He knew I could feel it and yet he was doing it on purpose, to condemn me and humiliate me the way I did with him. To show me that I didn’t have a grip on him and that he wanted so bad for me to feel the quench in my heart the way he did with his.

But this night, this night, he didn’t sleep with her. And yet, my eyes and my whole system burst up awake. Alive. There was an excitement growing in my veins. A rage finding its way towards the surface. And I knew who this was.

Queenie was surfacing. Reinah was bringing her back.

So soon.

“No. No.” I whispered to myself.

Reinah was bringing her back to me when I was still in the presence of my mate, I was still in the presence of the men who punished me…and the woman who was in my mate’s arms. No. It is like opening fire in an enemy territory. Worse, like pouring gas in that fire. And I know exactly where and from whom this idea came from.

“Stay down.” I ordered her.

I’m going to kill them. All of them. For what they’ve done to us.

“Queenie, this is not the time to throw tantrums.” I shouted out.

Tantrums? I feel her scoff. Tantrums is when they tricked us in to that ritual. Tantrums is when our mate put us out there to be questioned and punished…

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