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"What the hell were you thinking?"

It was Edward.

"I was just...having a bath..." I said, coughing out water, lying, facing the floor, naked.

"If the real definition of bathing is suicide, then to hell with it. You are the only royal blood in this pack and hell, you're trying to kill yourself every single damn chance you get..."

I cut his statement, saying in defense "I was just trying to...drown my thoughts."

He took a breath and moved to squat in front of me. "Listen to me Leila. If you choose to die, you choose to lose this fight and become a coward. We're so close to fulfilling our plans, don't let the whole pack down just because of your stupidity." There was calmness in his voice.

He then stood up to leave

All that time, I was looking at him in anger and confusion. I was angry because I knew he was right and I was confused because I didn't know what I wanted to do anymore. I just wanted justice and this pain gone. But sometimes, I would think and ask myself if this plan we had would really bring me retribution.

After like thirty good minutes I was done dressing up in all black. My mourning attire.

Regina, Reinah and Max didn't like me dressing up like this but whether they liked it or not, until justice was served, we were still at a loss.

My door opened, revealing Reinah.

Boy was I so glad to see her!

"Hey you." She said, closing the door.

I gave her a little smile.

Reinah had her mother's red hair and eyes. Her beauty was eye-catching and her smile was contagious. As usual, she was in one of her beautiful, red, sensuous dress, revealing most of her tan skin on, preferably, her belly and cleavage. The dark make-up on her eyes always made it hard to miss her gaze.

"You look more prettier every time I set foot in this room." She came to hug me. I hugged her back. "You do not know how much you scared me." I stayed quiet as Reinah pulled away from the hug and held the palm of my hands. "Edward told us."

I sighed as I let go of her hold. "It was nothing too serious."

"Nothing too serious? For goodness' sake Leila you were trying to kill yourself."

"But I didn't die right? I'm alive, ain't I?"  I sat on the couch.

Reinah sat next to me. "Never have me worried Leila, promise me that..."

"I think I can't ..." My voice made me sound unsure of myself

She was going to be worried anyways. Today was the last meeting with the council before we executed our plan.

Rei shot me a look.

"Okay fine. I promise." I just had to accept that there was no point in arguing with her.

She smiled. That beautiful smile. "Come on, let's go have breakfast."

"I'm not hungry." Rei looked at me again. "I'm serious. I'll just have something to eat after the meeting."

Lately, my appetite had been a blur, just thinking of what lay ahead made me want to vomit. I couldn't stomach anything, even the sight of food.

"I can't believe you guys are still on that stupid plan of yours." She said, standing from the couch. "It's not safe Leila, if they catch you, you are as good as dead."

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