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I woke up trying to catch my breath.

I was on the surface of the water. I remember what happened and struggle to get out of the pool again. This time it doesn't pull me down.

"Leila, take my hand..." It was Dana.

She holds out her hand and I take it. Some other soldiers help pull me out until I was on the ground, panting.

I take deep breaths.

"How's this possible?" I could hear Nat whispering to her mother. Dana just looks at her then back to me.

"Sweetheart..." Dana squats next to me. "Do you...feel anything unusual?"

I look at her. "I...don't know...I just feel as if...I...wanna breathe...I don't know."

Dana then orders the guards to escort me inside.

"Call Kara right now." Nat orders a man.

"I need you to stay out here until my son rises from the pool." Dana orders some soldiers.


"Do you remember anything after you entered in to the pool?" Dana who was standing next to the 'now sitting on the bed' me, asks.

I remember the man on the roof. I remember me jumping into the pool. Afterwards...

"The water was...pulling me...I couldn't swim out on time, I tried so hard..."

"Then what?" She asks curiously.

"Nickolas...he...he..." I struggle with my words.

"He what, Leila?

"He held me still...he wrapped his arms around me, I couldn't get him off me...I tried to at least. But...I think I... could breath."

Dana was quiet for a while.

"What does it mean?"

She looks at me. "When you were struggling, you were fighting the water in the pool and the water was fighting back. Nick made you calm down and it pulled you out."

"Have you also ever been under? You told me that anyone who gets in it dies...except for Nickolas."

"I've never been down there. But you explained it exactly as Nick did, the first time he went in. He also struggled with the water and it struggled back with him until he gave into it. But it doesn't push him out until he absorbs every bit of strength." Dana looks at me closely

"What is it?" I get worried

"I just don't understand why you're still alive. You're not even a member of this pack."

Just then Kara walks into the room. "My Luna." She gives a small bow at Dana.

"Please, come in." Dana responds.

"Natalia told me everything. I came as fast as I could."

"I need you to observe if there's anything unusual with her." Dana says, looking at me.

Kara nods.

I was glad to see her again.

Dana leaves the room and Kara smiles at me. I give a sly smile.

"So...why don't you tell me what happened from the beginning?" She says, sitting next to me.


I rise from the water trying to catch my breath.

I could sense it from below. Something was wrong. I felt that tremble of energy even if I was out, in the pull.

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