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Mature language used. Read at your own risks.


We quickly move away from each other as I quickly pull down my T shirt Leila pulls up her one sleeve and fixes her sleeping robe.


"I'm..." She clears her throat. "I'm just gonna come back later...or tomorrow. Yah, tomorrow will do..." She says almost leaving.

"No..." Leila says. She gets off the table. "I was just...leaving."

What an excuse sweetheart cause it doesn't look like you were gonna, when she entered.

I turn to look at her and she was all red. Her face is all red and she looks adorable blushing. She gives me a quick glance. "Good night." She shyly looks away...which is so cute...and walks towards the door where Dana was standing.

"Good night, Dana..." She says.

"Sleep tight sweetie..." Mom answers.

She quickly walks away. Now it's me and this woman standing infront of me.

"Uhm...okay..." She gets in and closes the me 'that' look.

"Don't look at me like that." I say.

She picks up the things that were on the floor. "I shouldn't have told her to corner you with a closed a night."

"Why am I not surprised that it was your idea?"

"Well, I always corner you when you don't want to talk to anyone..." She says. "...though not the way she did it." She adds under her breath.

"Mom..." I complain.

"What...?" She says with a smirk. I groan in annoyance. "I just don't know...were you actually gonna do it on the table?"

"MOTHER!" I say even more annoyed. "What actually brought you here?" I change that awkward topic.

"Oh...I wanted to come talk to you about Leila. I talked to her and she was so upset on your attitude towards her...well that's until few minutes ago... Apparently she beat me to it...and more..." she says holding a chuckle behind.

I sigh. "Well thanks for giving me a hand but we've already worked on it..."

"Of course you have." She says with that stupid look on her face.

"Good night mother." I say rubbing it on her face.

"Good night." She walks towards the door then turns. "Oh by the way...don't go to her room tonight."

"What...? I'm not."

"I hope you ain't." She was still giving me that look. "I'm serious, Nick."

"Why are you still giving me that look?"

She looks down at something then back at my face. I look to where her eyes were from. "Shit!" I turn and give her my back. There was a bulge on my trousers. I hear her give a low laugh and I feel my face burn up and turn red.

"Go get a cold shower and sleep. If possible don't sleep under the covers and let the cold night hit you."

"Fine, I get it mom...good night."

She walks away laughing. "You've got it bad, hunny..."

I hold onto my desk and take deep breaths. I need to get out of this room. I rush to my room and yes...I took that cold shower...and probably didn't sleep under the covers. But that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking about her...about everything that happened few minutes ago. My sweet Leila. Sleep swept over me and everything went black.

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