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Nick left to meet up his men. But I can't get the feeling that he's going after that bracelet, out of my guts. Anyways, I've stayed in door for the whole day. The sun is almost setting and it's mad boring.

I decided to take a shower to distract me cause it's more, I like how the towels have Nick's scent on them. No...I'm not a weirdo for obsessing over my mate's scent.

After the shower, I made dinner cause it was dark. He was still not back. I decided to eat my dinner alone. When I just take in one fork, the door unlocks and Nick walks in. He looks...worked up...tired.

"Hey..." He says taking of his jacket.


He throws himself on the couch and breathes out.


"Exhausted..." He smirks.

"Well...dinner's ready...but if you're too tired to eat..."

"No...I'll have it..." He stands from the sofa.

I didn't expect that, "O...kay..."

He sits at the counter and I serve him something on his plate and give it to him.

We eat quietly for a while until he breaks the silence.

"We're leaving tomorrow. One of my men found a clear way out of the pack."

"I thought there were guards all over the pack looking for us..."

"Yah...there's always a black-spot somewhere..." He says.

After we finish eating, he hops in the shower.

I think I'm gonna let him sleep on the bed.

I head towards the door to the bathroom to tell him so, but as stubborn as he is, he wanted me to use the bed and he sleeps on the sofa. So I take a blanket and head to the sofa and pretend to be fast asleep.

I could hear him open the door to the living room and I close my eyes shut.

"I know you're not asleep." He says. I stay quiet. "I can hear you heartbeats, I can hear your pulse much you're praying for me not to figure you out..." He gives a half-chocked laugh.

I keep on pretending that I'm asleep when I feel arms lifting me up and carrying me.

"The hell...I told you I was asleep..." I complains.

"I see you are..." he mocks.

He takes me in the room and places me on the bed.

"I was fine on the sofa." I say.

"Yah right..." he walks to the other side of the bed and lays next to me. "The bed is big for the both of us."

"I'm a really bad sleeper..." I threaten him jokingly. "I can wake up on top of you..." Shit! That came out so wrong.

He seems to notice me struggling to take back my words. He smirks. "I wouldn't mind you being on top of me."

I feel my face heat up real bad. I turn to the other side, giving him my back. "Good night."

He was silent for a while. I'm very sure there's that idiotic grin on his face that I wanna scratch out with my claws.

"Sleep tight." I hear him pull the blanket and breath out before we both sleep heavily.


I wake up after having a bad nightmare of my parent's death. I'm used to the nightmares about my parents to the extent that I don't even shrug once I have them. It's as if I just had another normal dream.

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