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I did not know what that woman from the club wanted. She was specific when she told me she just wanted the male dominance of this Pack gone, but yet again, even if she had asked anything of me, I would do it, just to get the information to where Nick was. The only thing I had promised her was that if this all worked out somehow, I would make their life better. I know Nick would. Whoever would yield the Alpha aura between the two of us. I was ready to hand it over to him. As a lycan queen, my duty is to my own Pack, and I have no intentions of conquering more land. The problem with the demons under our land were already giving us headaches. And that's a long story for how they managed to conquer that land from them.

There was no way I was waiting for Kayeel to come. I needed to get him out of there. The lady told me they were keeping him down with silver, sooner or later it was going to kill him...that's if it hasn't yet.

I enter in to the tunnels carefully. I have no scent so it's an advantage, they won't smell me from a far. The closer I went, the better my senses could feel him. He's in there, I know it.

It takes me a couple of steps until I find a metal door. With the looks of it, I know he was hidden in there.

I know I couldn't just walk in or else I might just bump into them. If that lady was trapping me then it was worth seing my lycan king even for the last time. I hear a click behind the door and I rush to find any hiding spot. These tunnels were more like a cave. However they dug them, there were still huge cracks that made good hiding spots in the dark. I hid in one of it at a corner.

"Make sure he speaks this time, I'm getting impatient." It was the beta. He was leaving.


"I'm tired of keeping him here lest they find out he's alive. I need to know who he's protecting. I need that aura."

"Yes beta."

"He's really getting in my nerve."

"Should we add the bane?"

Bane? They're giving him wolf's bane? They're going to kill him.

I gasp.

"What was that?" He asks. They stop talking. I hold my breath and steady my heartbeats. They pull in a scent.

"I smell nothing." One of the man says.

"Me too..." The other answers also.

"Keep an eye. I don't want this to be blown. If they find out I'm holding their king captive, it's going to be war." The beta walks away and the two men see him out.

"We'll just make sure no one walks around the perimeters." One of them says.

" that woman you let earlier in the day." The beta snarls. "So stupid."

I wait for them to move far away and get out of my hiding spot. I enter inside the metal door and close it slowly behind me.

It was quiet. Empty.

I start walking and the only thing I could hear were my shoes clinking on the ground.

"Nick..." I call silently after debating on doing it. Again, it was quiet. "'s me..." I keep walking...looking.

The room was huge vertically. It had wooden boxes and trash all around. And a few chairs. There was this stinging made me a little dizzy and drousy.

Wolf bane. It was wolf bane.

I take a turn after the boxes and my soul shatters.

He was hanging from the ceiling, bruised and bloody. By the way the chains had bruised his wrists...almost burning was silver, probably to keep his lycan down. He was out, like they wanted. The blood and wounds looked fresh. They had just come from torturing him.

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