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"Just where do you think you are going?"

Nickolas passes by me and steps into the house. I could hear Reinah say 'oops' in my head.

"I needed fresh air. I'm not some pet to stay in the house." I answer desperately.

He turns to me and raises an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry." I say almost in a whisper.

"That's more like it."

I didn't wanna lose any chances of me going outside the house. I did not want to spend any second inside anymore.

"You seem to be getting comfortable nowadays." He says looking at me from top to bottom. he...checking me out?

My mind was supposed to be roiling with disgust but I felt

Focus. Focus.

"Roaming around the house alone." He adds up.

Kara told me he wasn't coming back till next week, then why is he here?

"So tell me how long have you been doing this because it seems as if you are already familiar with your way around."

"I was trying my luck today. Cause you've been gone for almost a week. In fact, aren't you supposed to be back next week?"

His eyes narrow. "How do you know my schedule?"

Oh goddess, I talk too much. I can't rat out Kara. will be okay...but no... Since when does Kara matter to me so much?

I was quiet and his eyes were all over my face probably preventing me from thinking on my excuse, because I really couldn't think of any.

"I told her about it."

We both turn to Natalia standing at the stair case. She starts her way down. I breathe out heavily and Nickolas turns to look back at me again and back at Natalia.

"So it seems you are so ready to even speak out the pack's confidential issues."

"Oh pul-leez Nicky, it was just one small detail. In fact, we both know I can't do that." She comes to me and holds my hand. "My friend here was trying to get some fresh air but was very worried about bumping into you. So I told her that you won't be here for the next seven days."

Nickolas looks at us for a while then leaves.

His expression is unreadable. I didn't know if he figured out that we were lying or not.

Natalia sighs heavily. "Why didn't you tell me that you were going out?"

Because you weren't supposed to know.

"Because you never again came in the room."

"But I thought we had a deal."

"I was not in my right mind that day."

"Oh come on, it's not as if you were pregnant not to be in your right mind..."

We both paused and laughed at it. I play along.

"Your brother's of course." I say and we laugh even more. Come to think about it...I think I shouldn't have said that, cause now I feel awkward.

We weren't best of friends but I kind of felt comfortable and free around her, compared to her brother, even if I lately have been acting rudely towards her.

"Oh I so miss you girl." She hugs me.

We weren't that close but...

Okay...I don't know but let me just cope up.

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