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I was excited. Too excited.

But my head hurt too. I didn’t know how long I was out but Nick hadn’t returned to our room yet. Which was a good thing.

I was pregnant.

We were pregnant.

I had to tell him. Oh! He would be so excited. I can’t wait.

Or maybe I should surprise him.


I was so sure that I wasn’t going to do it right now.

Just then, he walked inside the room and flashed me a lazy smile. He was tired.

“Hey!” I said with a coy smile.

“Hey?” he closed the door and walked towards me. wrapping his arms around me, I hummed in delight, my smile widening.

“What did you want me to say?”

He presses his lips on my shoulder. “How about ‘come right here and ravage me before they take you away from me.’” I pulled myself down to look at him and he regained his height, reading my thoughts. “You do know that they’re going to separate us before the wedding…”

I sighed.

“They were already supposed to do that by now.”

My gaze fixated on his. “And?”

His smile turned in to a knowing smirk. “I may have threatened some few people.” I chuckled at it. He finally pressed his lips on mine for a soft kiss then pulled away. Steps away. “By the way.” He pulled his jacket off and I just stared at him do it. “Ana gave me this idea.”

“Ana?” I asked, pulling some pillows off the bed to the floor.

He raised his brow, understanding my tone towards the question. His grin reached his eyes. “You’re jealous?”

I smirked and said in defense, “I’m being cautious.”

He chuckled teasingly, “You are being possessive.”

“She had her hands on you for far too long.”

He moved towards me. “I am fluttered that my mate is obsessed with me.”

I threw one of the pillows at him. “I’m not obsessed.”

He caught it and threw it aside, his steps striding towards me. He grabbed me by the waist and leaned his lips in to mine strongly. And we kiss like that for a while, his tongue swiping possessively and longingly on to mine, calming my nerves. We pulled away for a breath.

I looked at him, ignoring the dark cloud in his eyes. “So what did Ana suggest?”

A little grin escaped his lips, knowing my play. “Well, Vicky’s grandmother is a sorcerer.”

“A sorcerer?”

“Well she’s from a long line of male lycans and female sorcerers.”

“What kind of sorcerers?”

I never knew if sorcerers could have families and reside with them. All I knew is that they kept to themselves in their sanctuary and only came out when they were needed.

He sighed, letting me go. “I never asked. But they’ve been in my pack for millennia. They are normal werewolves, but they just have…abilities. All I can say.”

So they were not like Reinah or Regina. They weren’t allowed to keep their wolves after placing their vows to become sorcerers. These ones were.

I said, “And?”

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