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I've been in the library the whole morning...kind of busy...thinking...writing...thinking and writing. I'm still thinking about the bastard who sold us out.

"Can I come in?

I look at the door to and Leila was standing there.

I was thinking too much. I didn't even notice she had opened the door.

I say, "That's your choice." do not expect me to say 'Of course yes, I've been expecting you?' Though yes...maybe just a little bit.

She enters and closes the door behind her. "I guess I'm staying here."

Pull yourself together, Nickolas. We have even more important issues to worry about that a mere...girl you know  nothing about.

I remain expressionless so that she doesn't notice the little excitement within me. She sits across the table and puts 'her journal' on the table. She opens a book that was on the table and starts reading.

My eyes want to stare at her but I control myself and get busy on whatever that was in front of me.

Work. Cases. Clues.

Though...I want to know what was on her mind when she saved me. What was she thinking? Is she looking at me differently...different from the first impression we had with each other?

I know I'm starting to take a liking in to this girl. Either it's her boldness or her daring ways, no one has ever acted the way she does around me. She crosses me in different ways and talks back at me when she needs to, something no one one that's not my family.

We were both busy doing whatever we were doing in silence for almost like an hour until she pulls up the journal I bought her and starts writing on it.

"What exactly do you write when you don't remember anything?" I ask.

She looks up at me. "Nothing." She simply answers.

I raise a brow. "You're scribbling down pen on paper, and you're telling me 'nothing.'"

"I'm just doing anything...artistic, for now."


She sighs and puts her hands on the table. "I can't remember anything, so why force myself to? It'll just come naturally. Right now I have plenty in my wolf...what happened in the pool...and I figured the best thing to settle that"

I huff, "You figured?"

"Mm-hmm!" There was a small grin on her face. A challenging one.

"Then what are you doing?"

She raises the journal and shows me the first page. My eyes widen.

I was...I don't know if I should say fluttered! I need help.

She had calligraphed...From:Nick...To:Leila

Save me from this woman.

" don't like it?" She asks after a very long time of my silence. Or I think I went tongue tied.


Wait...what? Why am I stammering?

"I just didn't expect that...I mean I didn't know you were good at calligraphy." Of course I didn't but that's not what left me looking stupid right now.

She smiles and keeps the journal on the table.

That smile. Something warm, curls up in my chest.

"I guess I also didn't." She says.

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