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I drove the whole night, ended up sleeping in the car when I was tired. I only stopped for the bathroom, food, to rest...a little and freshen up. I followed the GPS Kayeel had set for my destination.

I arrived at the destination after three days on the road.

The nearer I went the more clearer I heard it. I had no doubt that he was alive.

It was eight PM when I dialed the number in my journal.

State your business. It was a male rusty voice. He sounded old. I even thought I misdialed the number. But the way he greetings, I knew he was the right person.

"Kayeel sent me. I"

29th street, Rook road, 10pm. Code : Homeless. He hanged up.

It took me a bit long to navigate to the location. I ended up asking different people for the right location.

When I arrived, I got off the car and walked...he didn't give me an exact location but an exact time. The street had not many people around but most of them stared, it gave me the chills.

I looked around but no sight of the man. I didn't even know him. What was I even doing?

I tried dialing the same number but it didn't exist anymore. "Shit!" I cursed.

I stood at a little corner down the street. I was tired, I'd been driving for Goddess knows how long.

I sighed. It was chilly. The only thing keeping me warm was the hoodie I had stolen from his room, these jeans and black boots that Nat had gotten for me in those early days. I closed my eyes leaning on the wall.

I opened them again. People were busy heading to their homes. It was two hours to midnight and they were getting ready to take their rest for the day...unlike me. I lazily looked at them and took a deep breath that was almost cut short when I saw the word 'homeless.'

My eyes widened.

There was an old man seated near an alley with a can...a begger. He held a sign 'homeless'. I quickly looked through the pockets of my hood for the cash I had left and walked as fast as I could towards the begger...or I thought he is.

I stood infront of him but he didn't raise his head. He was asleep, I guess. I squatted to put the couple of cash in the can but as soon as my hand reached in, I noticed a folded envelope. I picked it up and before I could pull it out, a hand gripped hard on my wrist. I gasped looking at the man.

"Homeless...code, homeless..." I whispered, my voice trembling.

He remained staring at me for a while before letting my hand go and leaning back. I took the envelope from inside and put it in the pocket of my hood. His eyes were still on me.

"Do you know where he is?" I whispered while looking at my surroundings.

I looked back at him, he was asleep...or I think he wants me to believe that.

I got up and turned to leave. After a couple of steps, I looked back not to find him there. I looked around but he was no where.

You might just never see him again.

I remembered Kayeel's words.

I quickly headed back to the car. As soon as I was inside, I opened the envelope. There was a card...a credit card, a piece of paper and keys. I opened the piece of paper.

The credit card will get you what you want. The key is for the safe haven. You've got three days until they expire. And if they do, leave, the pack won't be safe, not even the safe haven.

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