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I can't believe I'm now walking in some club that Nat convinced me to come to, wearing the most exposing thing.

"Oh come on Leila, you look great. Now stop putting that uncomfortable look on your face, it doesn't suit the make up." Nat says as we pass through people dancing amidst the club.

"I'm still thinking on how you convinced me to put this on." We arrive at some sitting area."

"Hi guys..." Nat greets whoever they are.

"Natalia..." they say excited and some squeal.

"This is my lesbian lover..." She says and my eyes widen. "...her name's Leila. She's my date tonight."

"Oh come on hunny...I've known you for a hundred years now to know that you're definitely straight." One of them says and they all laugh out at this. I just smile.

"So who's this beauty?" A guy in the group asks.

"She's a..." Before Nat could finish, I cut her off.

"Cousin...I'm her cousin...distant cousin." I say.

"Well you have some sexy blood in your family, Nat. A'mean you guys are literally delicious..." Another guy says. I feel my face burn.

"...literally...have you seen Nick? He becomes drop dead gorgeous every single sec..." A girl adds up.

I become very uncomfortable. Why would she talk about my mate like that? He's mine.

Oh Goddess! I'm becoming protective.

"Okay Abby..." Nat cuts her up after noticing how uncomfortable I was becoming. " many times do I have to tell you guys not to talk about my brother when I'm around...?" She whines. "It's weird."

"We're headed on the dance floor, you up for it?" One guy asks.

"We're gonna get some drinks first." The Abby girl says.

"I don't drink." I quickly say.

They all look at me.

"Oh come on...has Nat been locking that sexy body of yours in that mansion so that you don't even drink?" Another girl says.

Before I could say anything, Nat interferes. "She's just nervous. We're all gonna have shots, that's always our rule, remember?" She says looking at me and insisting the 'remember' at her friends. Goddess help me!

"Yah..." They all answer in unison. The guys walk to the dance floor and we walk towards the counter. Nat pulls me. "Just one shot." She whispers. "It's gonna be fun." She adds before I could argue on it.

The bar tender had already poured shots for all of us.

"Lick the salt, drink then suck on the lemon." Nat tells me. I know but I just didn't wanna do it. Anyways, there was no going back.

"One...two...three..." Nat says and we all do it. I feel the burning liquid go down my throat and everyone exclaims with a frown...especially me.

"See..." Nat says looking at me.

"Ooh! Natalia hunny, you didn't tell me your brother was gonna be here." Abby says.

Wait what! She didn't tell me too.

We all turn to his direction and my eyes meet his. Anyone, bury my ass right now!

He was sitting at the other end of the counter. I look away but I could still catch his eyes lowering on me. He then turns away and gulps down his drink.

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