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I stand there not knowing what to do. He just...left me, just like that. I sob in the palm of my hand.

I hear footsteps and turn. It was Dana.


I go to her as if hoping she could help me bring him back. "I tried to stop him from going...I tried...he just left, he didn't listen to me."

She holds my hands. "He's gonna come back, Nat is not gonna let anything happen to him, she's gonna bring him back safely."

"Actually Nat didn't go..." we turn to see Rose, an omega. "He drugged her. She's in her room...passed out."

"Why didn't you..." Dana complains

"I'm sorry, he told me not to tell you."

Dana' face changes into worry and more into fear as she looks at the open front door. "What are you up to?" she says under her breath.

I just rush back to my room hoping Reinah will show up as soon as I get in, which she did.

"Please tell me you saw something else...any other probabilities." I ask her.

"I don't know...all I know is that he's not gonna come back with the others."

I sit on my bed and just think of that moment before he left...when he told me to trust him and that he's gonna come back.

He promised.

I wiped up my tears. "No...he's gonna come back..."

"Leila..." she says in pity.

"He promised me." I cut her off. "He promised."

Later that night, no one was in the mood for anything. Nat didn't show up for dinner. Dana and I had dinner quietly. No one wanted to talk to no one. Everyone just wanted to go to bed. But before I did, I went on to Nat's room to see how she was doing.

I knock at her door, "'s me." No one answered so I turned the knob, it was unlocked. I peep inside, "Nat..." I call out. I see her on her bed, sleeping on her side but giving me her back. I step inside. "Are you asleep?" I see the movement of her body as she takes a deep breath.

She turns to my side to look at me.

She was pale and her eyes were puffy. It seemed like she has been crying.

"Hey..." I say getting on her bed. I sit there, legs folded. "Are you okay?"

She didn't move, but finally said, "Why is he doing this?"

"I'm sorry that it's because of me."

She looks at me. "It's not your fault." She sits upright. "You killed Drake because you had no choice, it was okay not to think about the consequences of what you did, I don't blame you. I just don't know what he's planning and it's keeping me on edge. He's never kept things from me...especially involving the pack. And if he's reached a state of  putting me out of it that means it's not gonna be good."

"Don't worry...he's gonna be back."

She looks at me almost surprised. "How are you so calm?" she asks in disbelief.

I take a deep breath. "I'm not calm." I say amidst a sad scoff. "I'm good at...looking calm when I'm worried sick." I look at her. "I'm so worried about him. I...I had a dream last night...and it wasn't good...and I'm so scared..." my eyes start filling up with tears and I sniff them back. "...but I trust him. I trust him, Nat. He promised me he'd come back. He has to come back. I also...told him that him." I give a half-chocked laugh and she also gives a small laugh.

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