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“It’s okay. It’s okay. Breath.”

I panted, trying to calm every one of my senses.

I couln’t differentiate my sweat from the water I had been splashing on myself from the horrible birthpangs. The midwives tried to calm me and encourage me but I wanted Nick. I wanted Nick here and now. I was having his child and he had to know.

“Get Nick, please get Nick.” I was choking on my voice.

“Leila, I need you to push. This baby has to come.” Ella insisted, squeezing my hands.

"No.” I cried against the pain. “Tell him to come get our baby.”

“She has to push this baby out right now.” A midwife turned to Ella.

Ella pressed on me and looked at me with fury. “Look at me, Leila.” My blurry gaze shifted to her. “You have to give birth to this baby whether he’s going to be around or not. Regina made me promise you would. If this baby dies, it won’t matter whether he was here with you or not. Do you hear me?”

I nodded in pain. “Okay…okay…”

“Now push…”

I pushed with the contractions, trying to withstand the pain but I tire, crying. “It hurts.”

“I know, but you need to do this. Come on…push.”

I again pushed harder.

It’s okay. It’s okay. Breath. Queenie said soothingly. He’ll be happy you did.

“He will. He will.” I encouraged myself and pushed.

“It’s coming.”

I used all my strength and clench my teeth hard.

“The head is out. You’re doing great.” One of the midwives said in joy.

“It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re doing really good. Come on now.” Ella encouraged and I pushed strongly. More and more.

“Aww!” The midwives exclaimed. “She’s out.” They pulled her out of the water and resuscitated her. She cried and I sighed, laying back on the tub, tired and drained.

You did great. She’s beautiful.

I smiled, feeling dizzy. “Let me hold her.” The midwives worked on her and I begged. “Please, let me hold her.”

One of them held me back. “It’s okay. Calm down. She’s going to be okay. You need to deliver the placenta”

And I tiredly pushed and pushed until I delivered it. I was too tired now but I still wanted to see her...hold her.

My vision started to darken. “Please…please let me hold my baby.” I struggled to get up but they held me down.

“Calm down. You’re tired. You need rest.”

“Please…” I begged when darkness surrounded my vision. “…please…my baby…let me hold…my baby…”

And it was black.



The Dark Crescent Pack.

There were cries. Red. Blood. Screams.

Nick’s eyes fluttered open slowly to Dana’s voice.

“Nick…Nick…are you okay? Open your eyes.”

His lids closed up again and opened. “What’s…going on?”

“Are you okay?” Ana asked, clearly worried.

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