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Leila just walked out of the room and I was sure she was gonna tear up in her room and the blame is obviously gonna be pinned on me.

Of course, it's your fault.

I didn't feel like eating anymore.

I stand up to leave.

"Nickolas..... aren't you gonna finish your dinner?" My mom asks.

I look at her, "I'm not hungry anymore."

I walk out of the room and start my way to my library. I could hear my mom tell Nat, "Was I hard on him?"

Of course you were.

I arrive at the mansion's library and close the door.

My father loved this library. Every time I'm in here I can still capture his scent though it's been wearing out in the last years.

I sit down with books to read but I don't read them obviously. I take out my journal from under the table and start writing.


But my mom gave it to me after our relationship started worsening. I couldn't tell her anything about me, or whatever I felt. I could actually tell no one. Not even Nat. So she suggested that I should write my thoughts on it so that I don't drawn in anguish from my own thoughts.

I hate to admit but it kind of works, this way I don't have to open up to anyone, not even mom. Sometimes it feels like I write to him, hoping one day he'll return and read them.



I wake up in the middle of the night to my grumbling stomach. I was so hungry. That crying really took a toll on me.

I get up from the bed and change to something comfortable. I had fallen asleep crying, barely changing in to any of the night wears.

I then headed anywhere that food existed.

Luckily I find the kitchen after a long time of roaming around. I guessed Reinah would be asleep so I didn't wanna disturb her. I had to figure out the way by myself. I thanked my guts that I didn't run into a room where Nickolas would probably be. Actually I didn't find anyone on my way here.

I rush to the fridge not minding to put the lights on. There were last night's left overs. I grab the containers, put them on the kitchen island and start digging into them while they were still cold. I'm sure they won't notice they are gone anyways.

"You're gonna choke on it."

I choke on what I was eating when I shrug then start to cough out.

Nickolas puts the lights on, grabs a glass and pours some water from the sink in it. He hands me the glass of water. I quickly grab it and gulp down the whole thing.

I would throw a fit or act stubborn but my throat was crying otherwise.

"Quite an appetite..." He says walking towards the fridge.

What is he even doing here in the middle of the nighg?

I take a deep breath and stand up straight to notice that his long shoulder-legth hair was not tied up. It was all over him. He was in his vest and sweats.

He was probably on his way to bed

"It seems I'm not the only one tonight." I answer him.

He doesn't turn to look at me but a grin forms on his face that I was able to capture, as he also got some containers out of the fridge and closed it.

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