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It was war...a horrible battle. Wolves were dying, they were ripping each other's heads off. Then suddenly, a silver sword pierces through his heart and Nick falls on his kneel, his face turning dead pale. I could see the life leave his eyes.

There was another loud scream. It was a woman. It was Kayeel. "NOOO!"

His lifeless body falls and the air together with his life leave his body as his face turns pale grey to ashes.


I jump up breathing, sweating. It was early in the morning, rays of the sun were piercing through the cracks of the curtain yet I could feel the fear inside of me, it made me nauseous and it wasn't fading.

", no..." I shake my head.

I remember having almost the same dream before mom and dad died.

No, not him.

Tears start pouring down my eyes. "Reinah...Reinah, please...I need you..." I was almost breathless. "Reinah..." I call out.

"Leila...what's going on? I could feel your fear in my sleep. I saw your dream." she appears in the mirror.

"Why did I have that dream?" I couldn't deny how afraid I was of hearing what I didn't wanna hear.

"Is Nick up to anything?"

"He's leaving today."


"I don't know. He told me I had Drake's aura and that they might come for me."

"I knew that wasn't your aura."

"What does it mean...the dream?" I say almost chocking in my own words.

"I have to take time and see first. When is he leaving?"

"I don't know...this evening."

"I'll have its meaning by the end of the day. Just calm down..."

"How can I?" I say breathless. "You know what happened the last time I had these dreams."

"I know...and I'm gonna try my best to see what he's up to...and its possible outcome."

I nod but I wasn't at ease. I just wanted her to leave so that she gets to do it fast.


I've spent the whole day waiting for him to at least come for lunch so that I could talk to him. He's been in the soldiers' quarters for the whole day.

I meet Nat by the kitchen.

"Nat, have you seen Nick?"

"No...yes...actually he's been dodging me the whole day in the quarters when I try to talk to him."

"Do you know at least what he's up to?"

"No one would tell me...not even Kayeel." Her facial expression changes.

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"I don't...I've been having this feeling...the whole day...the same feeling I had before dad left and never came back..." her breath shakes. My heart drops. "...and I'm so fucking scared."

It was hard to catch my breath. I was about to tell her about my dream but Reinah calls in my head. She might have already found out about Nick.

"Excuse me..." I say before leaving. She just nods.

I enter the room and Reinah was already there. Before I could even lock the door properly she starts to speak.

"Are you going with him?"

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