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A/N: Sorry for the late come back. I was a little busy but I hope you do enjoy reading this chapter.


When I heard the door slam, my eyes went wide open and I stood up as quickly as possible.

That bastard...that fucking bastard.

I was now crying so angrily.

I sat down on the floor, pulled the blanket down to cover myself in this little night gown. I ended up hugging and crying on it.

Anger was an understatement. I was furious. And I was also in pain.

That's right pain.

I raised my right wrist to look at it. It was bleeding... a lot. I wasn't healing.

I wasn't healing.

I panic.

But of course, I can't heal. I know that because I don't have my lycan.

I know that...but I still panic.

Max has always told me how fragile I was. How easy it is to break me because of what happened.

I shouldn't be here.

He told me not to be here.

I keep crying so much, I feel my head burning.

I hate him. I hate him so much. First he takes away my parents and now he almost takes away what would link me to my mate. And he talked about it as if it was some joke. I hate him.

I needed to get out of here.

I stand up and look at the bed. It had blood on it. I run to the closet. I open it. My wrist still hurts so much. I find few, very few clothes. I open the drawers to only find bed sheets. I really need to get out of here.

I head towards the window and open it. It was so far down, I couldn't stand a chance. I needed to try something. But what?

I look and see a large mirror in front of me. I stop and look at myself.

I was mess. I was in a little white dress and my face was all red with tears that were constantly dripping. My hair was all messed up, some on my sweaty face. I had blood all over my dress due to the constant wiping of my bleeding wrist on it.

And I cry at the sight that taunts me.

I remember. "Reinah...Reinah please help me. I know you can hear me. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you and Max, please..." I cry out. "Please..." I fall on my knees crying.

Nothing. There was nothing.

No Max.

I stand up calling more and more like a mad person but in vain.

Suddenly the door opens and I jump in fear. I see Natalia and her mom standing right out the door.

Not them...not her again, no.

I move back to avoid them.

"Oh my goddess, Leila..." Natalia was coming towards me.

"Don't come near me..." I order. Then I remember what Nickolas told me. "Please..." I soften my language in tears.

She stops on her tracks. "No, no, no...What did he..." She then notices my bleeding wrist that left drops of blood on the floor now.

"Oh my goddess..." Her mom exclaims. "What has he done?"

"Get away from me. Stay away, please." I move back and find myself standing in front of the fully opened floor to ceiling window.

"No, Leila please don't move back anymore. Look, I'm sorry." Natalia gets on her knees.

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