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"And here I was thinking you didn't remember anything..."

Shoot! I was so busted.

What should I say? Think damn it think.

When that woman, Nat--she called herself--asked me on what I was doing in the woods, I had tried so hard to act sad for her with my fake amnesia story. And she believed me. Then here I was again, ruining that same story I had made so perfectly. All I had felt when I woke up and found her dark, beaming eyes on me, was anger. Anger towards everyone that belonged in this Pack, that was under this monster. And I wanted to curse her, spit on her and just say or do anything bad towards her but I couldn’t. I had to keep up an act.

I finally spoke. "A new born baby is never told about the dangers of falling but yet it's afraid of heights. Your sister told me of who you were, and any Alpha is protective of it’s pack. No one is stupid enough to risk their heads on finding out how far that protection can go. Not even me."

I looked at him. He gave out a small vicious smile that completely told me that he didn’t trust what I had said, then turned to leave. When he just closed the door I took a breath out, heavily and noticed I’ve been holding it all that time.

What was he planning now...How to thread me into pieces?

He's not stupid. Max had told me that and I should've listened to Max.

Max. Oh, Max! I had forced him to do sth he's probably regretting by now. He would be worried sick about me. But I needed him to do it. Maybe Reinah would calm him down a little. Maybe she had foreseen and told him I was fine and that nothing bad had happened to me. well, except for the horrible pain my body had carried when I woke up, it still hurt. Natalia had told someone to give me pain medication at the time.

But he just had to forgive me for what I had said to him and what I had made him do.

No...I can't back down now, not now when I'm so close to getting him into my trap. They all have to pay.

I had to admit that Nickolas was scary. But no body told me of how gorgeous he was going to be.

What the hell?

His beautiful green eyes were just...How could a person look so serious and yet so beautiful, it’s a sin.

Too bad I have to kill him. Too good, actually.

I smiled at the thought of killing him. I just couldn’t wait for the day he begged for his stupid life.

The door opened revealing Natalia who entered and closed it behind. "How are you feeling?" I gave a sad smile. "I'm sorry about my brother...he's somehow...always like that. You know, all defensive with his pack."

"I understand..." I supported.

"No, you wouldn't. It's this stupid royal feeling.” She looked at me then shook her head. “Never mind. It’s not like you get it anyways.”

You have no idea.

I gave her an understanding fake smile.

And she annoyingly ended up sticking around for a while longer.


A man was chasing me in the woods. Dark eyes like death, sharp canines of a lycan. I wasn’t fast enough, strong enough. He tuckled me down and I yelped at the pain on my spine. He fixes me below him and before I could scream, his canines fell on my neck.

I jolted up, gasping, sweating.

It was morning. And the sun’s presence captured my sight. But it wasn’t the only thing that did. I looked at my bedside and Natalia was sitting on it, fear terrorizing her face.

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