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Dark Crescent Pack.

I could never get the sound of the crunching leaves under the paws of my lycan, out of the system. The feeling was so familiar and engraved in my brain from the moment I was able to get onto contact with him, Kale, my lycan. The freedom of the speed, the wind on my fur, everything felt better every single time I did this.

I was running in the woods. My usual morning runs. But this time, I had too much to do in the quatres, that I had postponed it to near noon. But it still felt the same. Nothing could beat a feeling of transformation.

I was tired. Drained. Intellectually. Busy with every pack work I needed to do. If it weren't for Nat, my sister, cutting in, I wouldn't be out here.

Running was the only thing that could ease the tension in my muscles and the stress that kept accumulating in my mind.

Keeping this pack, my pack, running smoothly with peace, is my second priority. My first one being, keeping my family safe.

I spot a deer in a bush and halt to a swift stop.

The thing about having power is that everyone wants to snatch it away from you when you make a small slip. Of which I haven't allowed myself to do in a long time. Ever since I started my reign, ever since dad, the former lycan king, was killed.

No weaknesses, no slip, no fall.

I've managed to keep my mom and sister safe for centuries. They are a weakness I can't rip off of me.

The deer's main weakness is that bush and it's inability to concentrate on it's surroundings because of it. Something that relieves you from the stress around you, can shut down your defences.

I pounce towards it, claws falling at it's neck. There was no time for it to gaze at it's attacker.

Other than that, I don't carry a known weakness.

Allowing something new in to my life is allowing a danger that will sprout to destruction. One of the reasons why I make sure tabs are kept on everyone setting foot on my pack. Your predator lurks near your surroundings and if you don't keep tabs on them, you end up like this deer.

Destroying your enemies before they destroy you, has been the best strategy. Plant fear before they even think of plotting against you.

I was all bloodied from the hunt and back to my human self. I put on some clothes I find in the stack of clothes near the woods entrance. I had left them there, just like everyone else who are probably on a run at this hour.

I walk past a few soldiers flirting around at some corner. They hadn't noticed me. They were too busy to see me, to smell me. It was the last hour of training for the day and they were probably dodging it. Again...surroundings. If I was in the mood to get them in trouble with Kayeel, my gamma, I would but I was too tired to walk their way. They can have the time of their lives...for now.

I have started getting accustomed to the fact that my life is my pack. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't allow myself to dream of a day I would just sleep in and wake up in a holiday with no work.

But maybe sometimes I do.

Sometimes I stay up at night and dream of something totally different than this. Real happiness, love, life. Where I would wake up and have someone to share my demons with, and not those black books filled up in my study. Someone of whom I could become vulnerable to.

Who can look at me the same way they were looking at each other.

Okay...too many dreams.

They are not dreams, Nick. Kale says in my head.

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