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"In my room..." I said

"In my study..." Nick said in unison with me.

I thought we were sticking to the truth.

I looked at him and he did the same. Now everyone was staring at us with confused faces.

He looked back at Dana. "I was in my study and she was in her room. I went looking for her there."

I hoped they bought it.

"Weren't you guys in a trance also?" Mara asked

"We were..." I said.

"We weren't..." Nick said in unison to me...again.

Aargh! We were so busted anyways.

"She was but I wasn't " He concluded again.

They seemed to buy it.

"I'm tired." I quickly said. I didn't wanna wait for another question to pop up.

"Yeah, we all are..." Dana agreed. "We should all get some rest, maybe things will make sense tomorrow."

"I agree." Daniel said. "Come on sweetie..." He said to Mara who was now carrying the sleeping Noami. "Let's go tuck this little angel to bed." They both stood to leave. "Good night." He said to us all.

"I'll go check on things in the soldier's quatres and make sure the security is doubled." Nick said.

"Yah you should." Nat agreed.

Everyone went where they were supposed to and I headed to my room.


I was just from the shower when I opened the drawers. Nick's birthday gift was staring back at me.

Damn it! I forgot to give it to him.

I didn't know if I should give it to him right now or tomorrow. He did say that he was going to the soldiers' quatres, I didn't know if he was back.

I dressed up in my nightgown and jumped on bed. I then remembered the time I woke up from the trance and found Nick right on top of me. I didn't know what had really happened in that trance, though I kind of wished I did.

I turned to my pillow and his scent was all over it. I breathed it in and just then Nat entered my room.

"Hey girlfriend..."

I quickly jumped up. "What's...up?"

"I just came to check up on you." She jumped on my bed.

Then I remembered, "By the way..." I got up and headed to the closet. "I was thinking of returning this next morning." I turned to show her the dress she gave to me.

"Oh come on girl..." She walked to where I was standing. "It's just a dress. You can keep it, in fact it looks good on you, have you seen my brother checking you out on it." Just then her facial expression changed. "Although..." She sniffed on it. "Why does it have my brother's scent all over it?"

Goddess...goddess help me...

"And I've been catching my brother's scent all over you ever since you came to help me out in my room."

"I've been with him the whole night. He found me in my room also. We were worried if we left each others sides, something even worse could happen"

Please buy it. Please buy it.

She said, " brother can be so protective..."

She was buying it.

"...judging to the fact that you don't have your wolf."

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