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He was standing right there in front of me.

"Nick, why did you leave? You promised me...I trusted you, didn't that count?" I cry.

He looks at me. "I thought you did."

"You never came back." I say angrily in tears.

"And I thought you trusted me."

"I did..."

"Then why aren't you, right now?"

"What?" I say in disbelief.

"Why don't you trust me...why Leila?"

I just stand there, having nothing to say. I am confused, I don't understand him and I don't even know what to answer him.

My eyes slowly flutter open and I see Mara sitting at my bedside.

"Leila..." she calls me slowly. I then catch up the environment and realize that I am in my room. "You almost fell off the stairs and hurt yourself. Daniel caught you in time." I'm just quiet. "Do you remember what happened?" she asks.

Of do you expect me to forget? Even if I wanted to, I can't.

I just take a deep breath and feel tears flowing at the side of my eyes.

"Let her rest, Mara." I hear Dana's voice. Mara looks at her and nods. She then looks at me and I turn away not wanting her to see my face when I break down.

I feel her get off my bed and later hear the door close. I turn on my side and curl myself, crying so hard. I put my hand on mouth to keep my voice down and only muffled cries come out. The tears are blinding my eyes but I can see Reinah's silhouette on the mirror and I just don't want her to say anything, and she doesn't. I don't remember when I passed out to sleep but all I remember is that I cried for a really long time...really hard.

"Why don't you trust me...why?"

My eyes burst open to that same feeling of pain and loss. I stay in that same position on my bed and start to cry again. The pain is unbearable, it feels like I'm dying. I just lost my mate. I wish I can rip my heart out to stop feeling it but I can't. Every time I think of him, the pain doubles and it hurts a lot...and I cry a lot.

I don't wanna get up, I don't wanna do anything, I don't wanna eat, drink...I just want him back to me.

I can hear people getting in and out of my room, for the whole day, trying to get me to wake up and do least eat something, but I don't want anything. Most of them are just omegas that I'm used to in my stay. It's obvious Dana and Nat are in the same situation as I am.

One omega tells me that Mara took Noami home so that she doesn't have to see the situation here. Daniel stayed behind just in case, but it's after Dana begged him to do so. He just wanted to go home with his family but Mara also convinced him to stay for Dana's sake. He was infuriated because Dana didn't even take time to know what his son was planning.

But mostly he was angry at Kayeel for not telling any of them. Kayeel is frustrated...everyone in the pack is.

I spend the whole day on my bed. The omegas bring me breakfast, then later lunch and take the breakfast I never even looked at, away. Then later on dinner and take away the lunch I didn't even touch. I just give them my back, together with every food. It feels the same, like mom and dad.

It's midnight but I'm still awake, my eyes are wide open, tears have already stopped pouring. I was becoming bitter and cold again and I was looking for a way to get rid of this pain.

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