Chapter 33 - Being in love sucks.

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 --- Finally a new chapter ! :D Hope you're gonna like it :) Vote and comment if you do,I love feedback :3 Sorry it's kinda short and sucks,but I felt like I should upload something.. I'll work on it though !:) Look at poor Harry crying :( ---

* Anny*s POV *

Telling Louis the truth felt good,I hated keeping things from him.Even though his reaction wasn't the best.At least it wasn't as bad as I thought ...

 But it was still a wonder that he didn't find our earlier.I already told you about that one time I tried hiding a boy from him,didn't I ? The one whose arm Louis almost broke ? I never gave him any hints I was dating someone,but he found out somehow.And then he got a little too protective..

* Flashback *

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating Jason ?!" Louis yells at me."Because I knew you would tell me he wasn't good enough." I answer lowly."Because he ISN'T." Louis says pouting.

"Louis,please,he's a good guy.." I tell him."That's what ten other girls before you thought as well." he says.And with that he walks past me,towards Jason.

He is sitting on my parents sofa,wearing a black button-up shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a pair of grey jeans together with plain black converse trainers..His blonde hair is flicked to the side and his grey eyes show a hint of fear.

Jason is 16,like me,and Louis is 17.And Louis is about 5 inches taller than Jason.He is standing infront of Jason now.He stands up from the sofa,looking up into my big brother's beautiful eyes.

"You should leave this house and never come back,you motherfucker ! You are a fuckin' player ! If you ever dare to hurt her,you'll have to deal with me !"  Louis hisses at Jason.

As Jason refuses to leave my parents' house,Louis pushes him out of the door,accidentally hitting his arm on the doorframe,almost breaking it.Luckily Jason didn't sue him.

* Flashback end*

After I had let go of his neck,he took my hand and we walked back into the livingroom.Most of the others were pretty into the movie,staring at the screan mesmerizedly.Only Harry looked at us,his lips fell from a warm and cute smile to a hurt frown.

He seemed to be totally jealous as he saw our entwined fingers.

I quickly pulled my hand out of Louis' and sat down next to Harry,Louis sat down right next to me.Harry frowned at me,then he looked away.As I wanted to take his hand,he dragged it away.Was he really that jealous of his best friend ?

"What's wrong Harry ?" I asked him,seriously concerned."Why don't you ask your beloved Louis !?" he snapped."God Harry,we just came together and you already start to whinge ?! Do you remember ?! He's your best friend and mine as well !" I yelled at him.

He looked at me,his eyes full of sadness and pain.I instantly regretted yelling at him.It seemed like he was about to cry.Woah,I made a boy cry ? Gosh,I felt like a total bitch.

He stood up from the sofa and walked out of the room.Then I was the one who cried.The others looked at me,pitiful expressions on their faces.But they were all too busy with being happy couples watching a love movie,they turned away again and neither of them bothered taking care of me.

 Note to myself : Never make my boyfriend cry again,I'll cry as well.

This was just like our second day as a couple and we were already fighting,both of us were crying. Great start dumb-ass me !

I got up from the sofa as well,some tears were running down my cheeks.Bless god I was never wearing much make-up ! I was surely not looking too good though..

Walking up the stairs,I started to sob a little.Should I search for him and try to sort it all out,or was it all already pointless ? I mean,which couples start fighting on their second day ? Exactly,not the ones who last forever..

I decided to go into his room,I lived him too much to let him go that easily.I slowly opened the door and saw him.He was laying on his bed,staring at the ceiling.I walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry Harry.I didn't mean to scream at you .." I told him,still crying.He looked at me,his eyes were red and watery."It's okay I just overreacted.." he answered,a weak smile on his lips.

He sat up and looked into my eyes.His eyes were the most beautiful ones I had ever seen ! Their unique shade of green,how they sparkled when he smiled his perfect and a little crooked smile ... He was just perfect.

"I should have known that there is nothing going on between Louis and you."he said guiltily.His smile grew wider,there were some tears rolling down his cheeks though.Then his hands moved to my cheeks and he kissed me,slow and passionate.

He was nothing like the boy public presented to everyone,he was sweet,caring and passionate.And he got jealous really easily.

* Louis' POV *

I was sorry for causing their first fight,I really was.I thought Harry knew how close Anny and I were,I thought he was okay with it.Well,he obviously wasn't.

After the two had left the room,the others continued watching the movie like nothing had happened.But they didn't do anything while Anny and Harry were still in the room as well.They were such great friends.So sweet and above all caring.Not.

Why I didn't do anything ? Well,because Harry was already pissed due to me holding her hand ... I would have made it only worse.

* Harry's POV *

The ceiling seemed to be so interesting at that moment.Even though it was anything but that.It was as boring as my heart hurt.

Why did I get that jealous just because I saw Anny holding Louis' hand ?! They were best friends for almost 6 years.There was nothing going on,was it ?

 Note to myself : Being in love sucks.

I admit it,I was truly,madly,crazy and deeply in love with my best friend's best friend,my wonderful girlfriend.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now