Chapter 40 - New message from BROWNIE <3

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--- Okay,so here's chapter 40 ! Thanks to everybody who's reading this ! Please vote and comment if you really like my story,I love you and stuff ! :3 <3 :D And it would mean a lot to me ! Mind checking out my short stories ? Three are already finished,so you don't have to wait for an update :) Okay,that's all. Bye lovelies ! :** ---

* Anny's POV *

Harry wanted to say something,but I ended the call.I just told my boyfriend he didn't even know my full name,he just had to feel stupid.Great dumb-ass me !

Should I just call him again and tell him ? 


Leaning against the comforting cherry tree I thought of a way to solve my problem,which wasn't very easy.I decided to just write a text to Louis.

Tell them.

I clicked send,hoping Louis would understand what I meant.He should tell the others as well,it wouldn't be okay if my problems were a secret for them.

Yet still I was hoping Louis wasn't going to tell them my name.I wanted to them myself.Barely anybody knew it,just my family,Jane,Belle and Louis...

* Louis' POV *

After she had ended the call,Harry looked pretty startled.

"What's wrong mate ?" I asked.

"She basically told me I didn't even know her name." he whispered,staring at nothing.

Shit.I looked over to Jane and Belle,they both stared at the ground.We swore to never tell anybody about Anny's full name.She hated it even more than 'Brownie'.Even though I thought her name was pretty cute and fitted her very well.

I was doing the same as Jane and Belle,when suddenly my phone vibrated.Please god,don't be some annoying guy from our management !

I unlocked my phone and saw I had a text.

New text message from BROWNIE <3

Tell them.

Did she want me to tell her story or her name to them ? 

Obviously her story,she wouldn't let anybody tell anyone her full name.

"Okay guys,I got a text from Anny.She told me to tell you." I said.

Then I told them the whole story Anny had told me,every detail of it.

Most of their mouthes were agape as I finished,Belle was on the edge of tears again.What an emotional girl...

Eleanor was as white as chalk and Danielle snuggled up to Liam,seeming a bit out of it.I never thought it would hit them so hard.I mean Anny didn't hurt herself or anything and they didn't know her for very long.Okay,Belle did...

"What are we gonna do when she comes back ?" Liam asked.

"I don't know ? But I think we shouldn't really talk about it to her." I replied.

"Sounds logical." Zayn answered.

We all sat down on the sofa,including Jason,and Harry switched the TV on.That didn't help though,nobody was paying attention to whatever was playing on the screen.

How would they actually react when she would come back ? Belle would definetely cry,no doubt.Jane would probably force her to do something stupid to cheer her up.Liam would hug her comfortingly,just like Danielle and Eleanor.

I totally didn't know about Jason,but Harry was surely going to talk to her privately.Well,Zayn and Niall would be pretty awkward around her,I guess.And I,I would just hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay.Sometimes that's all somebody needs.

A while went by and we did practically nothing.Harry had turned off the sound of the TV earlier,which didn't matter because nobody had been paying attention.

After some time Liam and Danielle went upstairs.The other eight of us remained on the sofa.

Suddenly the door opened.Was she finally coming back?

"Hello." her soft voice greeted us lowly.

Harry was the first one to stand up from the sofa.He rushed over to her and engulfed her in a very tight hug,planting tons of kisses onto her face.

She started to giggle madly because of his cheesiness.He chuckled as well,being glad about her coming back. 

He grabbed her hand and led her out of the room,probably into his own one.

The rest of us stayed on thw sofa,not knowing what to do.

I took a look at my cell,it was already seven o'clock.Wow this day went by fast.

* Harry's POV *

As we entered my room,I sat down on my bed,motioning for her to do the same.She did so and I grabbed her hand,rubbing it softly with my thumb. 

She looked at me,she seemed to feel better than before she had left.Her eyes were a bit red but over all she looked more healthy and even happier.

I didn't want to force her to tell me her full name,though I badly wanted to know it.She leant her head onto my shoulder and I put my head on top of hers.We stayed like this for a while,in comfortable silence.

"It's Annabelle Christine." she whispered barely audible.

"What ?" I asked.

"Annabelle Christine Sillace.My full name.." she explained. 

"That's a beautiful name,but why didn't you tell me earlier? " I asked calmly.

"I have my reasons." she stated.

"Which are ...?" I questioned. 

"I'm sorry but I really don't want to tell you.Or anybody." she said dreamily.

"It's okay,love .." I answered lowly.

"I love you Harry." she muttered against my shoulder.

"I love you too." I replied.

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