Chapter 9 "She has to be one of your one-night stands."

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* Anny's P.O.V *

I woke up the next day - still in Harry's arms.It was almost noon and I didn't want to wake Harry,so I carefully stood up and headed straight into Zayn's room.

"Hey Stylemaster ! Get up ! I need someone to help me choose my outfit for today !" I screamed at him laughing.

He woke up immediately but looked extremely tired.

"It's okay,shorty.I'm awake !" he said and started laughing,too.

We headed over into my room and he began throwing things on my bed like he did the last time.

He chose a casual,yellow and green outfit.It looked great.

I went into the bathroom,took a quick shower,got changed,applied some makeup and put my hair in a braid that fell over my right shoulder.

When I got back into my room,Zayn sat on my bed.

* Zayn's P.O.V *

"You look stunning,shorty !" I said.And I meant it.I really did.It was not like with all my one-night stands.I told those girls they looked beautiful to lay them,but Anny looked really beautiful.I could unterstand why Harry was in love with her,but he had the image of a player,so I didn't really know if she loved him,too.Even though I was a player and he wasn't.Her expressions were harder to read than the boys'.. So I really didn't know.

I had a lot more affaires,but I was good at hiding them from public,Harry wasn't.

"Thank you,Stylemaster." she said with a huge smile,that made her even prettier.If that was really possible.

"Anything special today ?" I asked her.

"Nope.Are you intending anything special?" she replied.

"Not really.. just going out with that girl...uhm... Jessy." I stumbled.

"You barely know her name ? She has to be one of your one-night stands."

"How do you know about them ?!" - "Louis told me." she said chuckling.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now