Chapter 7 "FINE !"

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* Anny's P.O.V *

Harry put his arm around me and I felt a tingle in my stomach.

Anny ! Don't fall for your best friend's best friend !

Oh fuck,I already did..That's not okay !

I looked up to him and he looked squarely into my eyes.There was a sparkle in his eyes.Did he love me,too?

No,Harry Styles wouldn't love me.I was just a normal girl from Doncaster and he was a worldfamous celebrity! .. Even though he had a super cute bromance with Louis – from Doncaster -,his best friend.MY best friend.

I perceived Niall looking at Harry - in a really sore way.

Why did he do that ?!

Oh god..

"Hey,psych.I need to talk to you."

"Uhm..ok,honey.." he responded.

Just as Niall said "honey" Harry was the one who looked pissed.

Never mind.

We headed upstairs into his room.He sat down on his bed and patted the place besides him.I sat down next to him.

"So ,Niall told me I could talk to you..about anything,at anytime."

"Erm,yes.Sure you can.So what upsets you ? Problems with Hazza ?"

He tried to sound friendly and caring,but he failed.He sounded sore.Really sore.Like he was .. kind of jealous.

"Why did you.. look at Harry like you were .. jealous,when he put his arm around me ?"

"I don't know what you are talking about,honey." he said smiling an obviously faked smile.

"You know it ! So tell me why !" I screamed.

He didn't reply for a long time.He just looked at the ground.

"FINE!" I yelled. I was confused.What if he loved me ? For me he was just a good friend and my psych.I would just hurt him.

I ran into my room and changed into my PJ's - it was already 9 o'clock.

I went downstairs and almost nobody was there - only Harry.I laid next to him and snuggled up to him.He put his arm around me again and I just felt so safe and secure like when I slept in his arms the first time.And I was going to do it this night again.I fell asleep whilst thinking about him.

Him – lovely,sexy.. perfect Harry Styles.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now